MANNERISM Presentation with follow-along notes.
Mannerism WHY DID IT OCCUR? What were the social impacts?
MANNERIST CHARACTERISTICS 1) Composition - up-side-down pyramidal shape, compressed space 2) Clashing colors 3) Spatial discrepancies 4) Light source - inconsistent in direction and or intensity 5) Non-art objects and people included in works as art objects (non-functional; purely decorative) 6) Twisted, difficult poses (S-curve / Figura “Serpentinata”) 7) Intentional shock-value - horror used as an element of shock 8) Exorbitant amounts of money spent on common, everyday objects (i.e. salt & pepper shakers) 9) Untitled works - intentionally leaving a work untitled 10) Deviation from or elaboration of a theme 11) Secularization of the sacred
RaphaelG. Romano
Jacopo Pontormo
Rosso Fiorentino better known as known as “Il Rosso”
1528 Mannerism Deposition / Entombment Jacopo Pontormo Place any notes related to the work of art in this section. A Walker
1545 Mannerism Venus and Cupid Bronzino Place any notes related to the work of art in this section. A Walker
date Mannerism Elenora of Toledo Bronzino Place any notes related to the work of art in this section. A Walker
date Mannerism Portrait of an Unknown Man Bronzino Place any notes related to the work of art in this section. A Walker
date Mannerism Self Portrait in Convex Mirror Parmigianino Place any notes related to the work of art in this section. A Walker
ca Mannerism Madonna of the Long Neck Parmigianino Place any notes related to the work of art in this section. A Walker
1514 Mannerism Fire in the Borgo Raphael / G. Romano Place any notes related to the work of art in this section. A Walker
1521 Mannerism Descent from the Cross Il Rossi (Rosso Fiorentino) Place any notes related to the work of art in this section. A Walker
date Mannerism The Last Supper Tintoretto Place any notes related to the work of art in this section. A Walker