By your Junior Road Safety Officers Charlotte, Romany & Leah
Why should you try to walk/cycle to school? To get some exercise. We should be doing some exercise everyday to keep our bodies fit and healthy. 4 out of 10 boys and 6 out of 10 girls do not carry out the recommended minimum of one hour a day of physical activity. Most of us live within 20 minutes walk from school Walking one mile can burn at least 100 calories The perfect way to start the day!
Why should you try to walk/cycle to school? It is Eco Friendly. Cars produce CO2 which causes the greenhouse effect. We need to try and reduce the amount of damage we are doing to our world.
Why should you try to walk/cycle to school? It saves money. Driving the average school run for a year costs over £400
Things to Always wear your helmet! Get off your bike and walk into the playground.