Welcome Parents!!! Cross Timbers MS Band
Paul Nájera Director of Bands Cross Timbers MS
Mary McCracken Assistant Director of Bands Cross Timbers MS
Four Bands at CTMS 6th grade Beginner Band Beginner Band 7th & 8th grade Honors Band (1st group) Honors Band (1st group) Symphonic Band (2nd group) Symphonic Band (2nd group) Jazz Band Jazz Band
What is Beginning Band ?
Woodwinds Flute = Oboe = Bassoon = Clarinet = Alto Saxophone =
Brass Trumpet = French Horn = Trombone = Euphonium = Tuba =
Percussion The percussion instruments include snare drum, bells, xylophone, timpani, bass drum, cymbals, and many other accessory instruments. Two years of piano lessons are required for percussion. Percussion students must select a wind instrument for their first interview. At their second interview, they will audition for percussion.
What is Beginning Band Like instrument classes Like instrument classes Meet every day Meet every day Emphasis on fundamentals Emphasis on fundamentals No prior musical training required No prior musical training required
Possible Class Conflicts? NO CONFLICT WITH ATHLETICS! Work to resolve conflicts with other groups (preventative) Band kids are the most active in campus activities
There Are No Conflicts… Sports/Athletics 90% of Honors Band students participate in Athletics and/or Club Sports Pre-AP/GT 95% of Honors Band students are enrolled in Pre-AP courses or GT classes
The Interview Pick your top 3 instruments prior to interview Pick your top 3 instruments prior to interview Match the child to the instrument Match the child to the instrument Reserve instrument Reserve instrument
Percussion Interview/Audition Pick your top 3 instruments Pick your top 3 instruments Standard interview Standard interview Select non-percussion instrument Select non-percussion instrument Percussion Audition/Interview Percussion Audition/Interview Notified of results, then meet with instructor Notified of results, then meet with instructor
Interview Dates Wednesday, April 23 Wednesday, April 23 4:00 – 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 24 Thursday, April 24 4:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Acquiring an Instrument Recommended list of proven instruments Recommended list of proven instruments Rent vs. Buy Rent vs. Buy Rent - $30 - $60 per month Rent - $30 - $60 per month Financial incentives to reserving in the spring Financial incentives to reserving in the spring School instruments School instruments Reputable music store – Repair shop available? Reputable music store – Repair shop available? Used vs. New Used vs. New QUALITY IS MOST IMPORTANT! QUALITY IS MOST IMPORTANT!
Supplemental Lessons Benefit the ENTIRE band program Benefit the ENTIRE band program One on one individual attention One on one individual attention High quality private teacher High quality private teacher Private teacher for every instrument Private teacher for every instrument Lessons are offered before school, during Wolf Time, and after school Lessons are offered before school, during Wolf Time, and after school Currently $17 per lesson Currently $17 per lesson
SmartMusic Interactive music software Interactive music software Immediate feedback Immediate feedback Music is on screen Music is on screen Accompaniments Accompaniments Send & receive assignments Send & receive assignments Fun! Fun! Yearly subscription is only $40 Yearly subscription is only $40
CTMS Band Spring Concert Tuesday, May 20 7:00 PM CTMS Black Gym
Thank you! Please don ’ t forget to sign up for your INTERVIEW.
Contact Information Telephone Telephone Mr. Nájera Mr. Nájera Mrs. McCracken ext Mrs. McCracken ext