PLEASE SIGN IN and Grab a Chair
1. How to Contact Us 2. Attendance 3. Daily Schedule 4. Grading Scale 5. Curriculum 6. Homework 7. Class Rules 8. Rewards Agenda
Phone: Mrs. Meleski Ms. Hall Ms. Do Web Page: Go to, campuses, Krahn, Teacher Websites How To Contact Us
Attendance Instruction starts at 7:50 Students cannot afford to miss instructional time due to the structure and pacing of the curriculum We need students here everyday, all day, so if you can avoid late arrivals or early dismissals, it would be greatly appreciated. If your child has a fever, please keep them at home for 24 hours.
Krahn in the News Krahn has been recognized by the Houston Chronicle as one of the outstanding schools in Houston. Our students scored very well on the 2014 STAAR assessment, but we did not achieve our distinguished rating from TEA because of our attendance rate. Therefore, Krahn is working hard this year to raise our attendance rate. Students should only miss school for true illness. Please schedule out of town activities, vacations, etc., during scheduled school holidays. Missed days of instruction are difficult for students to make-up.
Daily Schedule Recess 11:40-12:00 Lunch 12:05-12:35 Monday Specials 2:15-3:00 Tuesday Specials 2:15-3:00 Wednesday Specials 1:30-2:15; 2:15- 3:00 Thursday Specials 12:45-1:30 Friday Specials 2:15-3:00 Library Mondays Science Lab Mondays
Grading Scale 90 – 100A 80 – 89B 75 – 79C 70 – 74D 0 – 69F
Curriculum High Expectations TEKS Based Instruction Integrated Learning Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop Labs Interactive Journals for all subjects
Math Obj 1-Numbers and operations Obj 2-Computations and Algebraic Relationships Obj 3-Geometry and Measurement Obj 4-Data Analysis and Personal Financial Literacy
Math Problem Solving Board and Daily TEKS/STAAR Review Hands-on Manipulatives Practice Assessment
Social Studies Geography Culture Economics Heritage Civics Government Texas History Journals Vocabulary
Science Science Process Skills Weather Soil Space: Sun and Planets Force and Motion Matter Life: Plants and Animals Hands-on Labs Journals
Reading Reading Workshop Comprehension Strategies Fluency – words per minute Vocabulary Development Variety of Genre Reading Response Activities Journals Vocabulary
Writing Journal Writing Narrative and Expository Writing Workshop Writing Process Editing Skills Revising Skills Journals Vocabulary
Technology Mandated Technology TEKS Instruction: Star Board E-instruction Classroom Computers Reflex Math Think Through Math
Homework- ELAR Monday- Spelling words given. Complete spelling homework grid. Due Tuesday. Tuesday- Worksheet given. Due Wednesday. Wednesday- Study spelling words. Thursday- Study for spelling test on Friday. Read for 30 minutes each night.
Homework- Math Monday- Skill sheet given. Due Tuesday. Tuesday- Practice math facts. Wednesday- Skill sheet given. Due Thursday. Thursday- Practice math facts.
Class Rules 1.Be prepared. 2.Follow directions quickly. 3.Wait for permission to speak. 4.Keep your hands and feet to self. 5.Silent in public areas.
School Rules Be respectful Be responsible Be a learner
Rewards Positive Reinforcement Tickets
Reminders You can order books for your child from Scholastic! You may send a check to school made out to Scholastic with your student or you can order books online by going to You can order at any time, no due dates! When you order books for your child, our class earns points. Then those points can be used to purchase books for our classroom library! Our Class code is LQFX9 when ordering online. First Responder’s Day is Friday, September 11 th (tomorrow). Please have your child wear red, white, or blue or a boy scout/girl scout uniform. Follow us on Fourth grade will represent Texas State University this year. Our colors are maroon and gold. College Colors will be worn on the LAST THURSDAY of the month. Krahn’s spirit colors are red, black and white. Spirit colors will be worn every Friday. Our class visits the library on Monday. Please return all books by Friday. DONATIONS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! Our class can always use: quality tissue, hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, pencils, various sized zip lock bags, gently used chapter books, or anything else you think we need.
Remind APP
Thanks For Coming!!!