Zero Robotics Let ’ s Go Team (2013 Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership)
Overview of Zero Robotics Zero Robotics (ZR) is a programming competition where SPHERES satellites (ROBOTS) inside the International Space Station (ISS) are controlled by programs developed by YOU! You will create, edit, share, save, simulate, and submit programming code in order to accomplish whatever your given task is. After several rounds of competition — within the class and within your region — finalists will be selected to compete in a live championship aboard the ISS. An astronaut will use your code to conduct the championship competition in microgravity with a live broadcast! (2013 Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership)
Launch Space Game: 30 minutes Warm up time (Choose 2 out of 3 to play) 8:15 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. m/space_games/match-three- celestial.htmlhttp:// m/space_games/match-three- celestial.html insight/en/#/review/satellite- insight/SatelliteInsight.swf insight/en/#/review/satellite- insight/SatelliteInsight.swf
Tutorial Programs Complete by 8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m Complete all Tutorials if you have not:
Space Exploration 9:45- 10:15 am Watch the following videos: universe/interactives/interactive-universehttp:// universe/interactives/interactive-universe 1. Be sure to click on interactive Galileo Space Craft, Jupiter Icy Moon Orbiter, Mars Mariner Valley, and NASA Cassini Mission, NASA Future Lunar Exploration, Surface of the Sun, Andromeda Galaxy, Orion Nebula, Black Hole, & NASA New Horizon
Team Coding (10:15 – 11:30) Complete Game Mode Practice Coding and Send copy to Ms. Davis Will share with entire team Final MMS Game Code Completed for Submittal for Regional Competition
Completion for MMS Team Zero Robotics Video 12:10 – 12:30 pm Movie Zero Robotics Rap Song Video Program to use, etc. (pictures, clip art, song, etc. Description of what you want in the video, movie, rap song, etc. It can’t be a Power Point Create, edit and final copy to Ms. Davis for submittal for Program
After Lunch Virtual Space Learning Activity (12:30 – 12:45 pm) om#/WhyMapMars om#/WhyMapMars
Rest of Zero Robotics Summer Program Schedule (MMS) July 12 th (Tuesday) 7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Alvarenga) July 14 th (Wednesday) 7:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. (Davis) (ISS Code Deadline to NASA) Mid-Aug (ISS Finals) -- Competition (TBA) 7:00 am. – 5:00 pm. (NASA Huntsville Space Center) --- Field Trip (Davis & Alvarenga) No Classes: Holiday Week (July 4 th – 8 th )