GEO Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium GEO Architecture and Data.


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Presentation transcript:

GEO Task AR Architecture Implementation Pilot George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium GEO Architecture and Data Committee Meeting, September 2007

Slide 2 GEO Task AR Architecture Implementation Pilot Lead incorporation of contributed components consistent with the GEOSS Architecture… …using a GEOSS Web Portal and a GEOSS Clearinghouse search facility …to access services through GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements …in support of GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas

Slide 3 GEO AR-07-02: AI Pilot Task Activities –Call for Participation (CFP), Kickoff, Workshop Working Group (WG) –Portal, Clearinghouse, Architecture WGs –Scenario WGs Next Phase of AI Pilot AI Pilot has broad international participation that could only have occurred with GEO. High interest and momentum in supporting GEOSS vision.

Slide 4 GEO Task AR GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot Evaluate, enhance, and document an operational architecture for GEOSS, using open standards Register persistent services that support multiple application domains Develop scenarios to exercise discovery and access mechanisms for services and data Develop evaluation criteria and candidates for re-usable GEO Web Portal and Clearinghouse Record scenarios for video display and exhibits at GEO Plenary and Ministerial, November

Slide 5 AI Pilot Approach Derived from OGC Pilot Policy and Procedure ExecutionActivities Phase D Kick-offActivities Phase C CFPDevelopment Phase B ConceptDevelopment Phase A PersistentDeployment Phase E

Slide 6 AI Pilot Milestones Call for Participation (CFP) –CFP Preparation based on RFIsFebruary & March –CFP Release13 April –CFP Responses Due11 May Pilot Kickoff meeting5-6 June –Hosted at ESA-ESRIN Deploy, Integrate, Test 4 mo.June to September Capture Workshop10-11 September Persistent CapabilityAfter September


8 CFP Responses analysis: Organizations’ status distribution

9 CFP Responses analysis: Geographic distribution France Germany Italy UK US

Slide 10 AI Pilot Kickoff Workshop June 5&6 at ESA-ESRIN –~70 people attended, 24 sessions –Presentations are posted: –Thanks to all Session Leaders Began Execution Phase of Pilot –Refined draft Architecture from CFP –Identified user scenarios for demonstration Established communication plan – lists, telecons, etc.

Slide 11 Implementation WGs and leaders Architecture WG –Doug Nebert, FGDC; Michel Millot, EC/JRC, and Larry McGovern, Northrop Grumman Clearinghouse WG –Josh Lieberman, OGC & Traverse, and Doug Nebert, FGDC GEO Web Portal WG –Ingo Simonis, OGC FedEO Pilot WG –Corentin Guillo, EADS/Astrium

Slide 12 Scenario Working Groups and leaders Wildland Fires in Africa –Ingo Simonis, OGC Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Africa –Steve Peedell, JRC Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Polar Regions –Terry Fisher, NR Canada; Robert Thomas, Compsult; Greg Yetman, CIESIN Response to Oil Spill –Franck Sery, EADS- Astrium Response to Volcano –Satoko Miura, JAXA Response to Hurricane –Dan Irwin, NASA/SERVIR Regional Decisions for Climate Change –Ilya Zaslavsky, SDSC; Andrew Woolf, BADC, Dan Owen, NOAA

Slide 13 AI Pilot Capture Workshop 10 & 11 September 2007 Purpose of videos: Capture the progress achieved in initial execution phase of AI Pilot –For display in multiple venues Screen capture recordings of AI Pilot clients –EO Summit Communication Task Force (3 minutes) –Participants exhibits at summit (10 minutes) Uses of video –Participants’ Summit exhibit and other presentations –OGC will post all videos –Summit Communication Task Force

Slide 14 AI Pilot Working Group Reports Implementation –Architecture –GEO Web Portal –Clearinghouse –FedEO Pilot Scenarios –Wildland Fires in Africa –E&B in Africa –E&B in Polar Regions –Regional Climate Change –Response to Oil Spill –Response to Volcano –Response to Hurricane

AIP Architecture WG Doug Nebert, FGDC; Michel Millot, EC/JRC; and Larry McGovern, Northrop Grumman GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 16 Architecture WG Initial draft architecture was in the Call for Participation (CFP) Annex B CFP Annex B to be updated –As-built architecture from AIP, Phase 1 –Define draft architecture for AIP, Phase 2 Lead authors for each section identified during AIP Kickoff Meeting Aim for next Draft by end of October ‘07

Slide 17 Pilot Architecture in Annex B of the CFP 1 Overview 2Enterprise viewpoint VALUE OF EARTH OBSERVATIONS 3Information viewpoint EARTH OBSERVATIONS 4Computational viewpoint SERVICE ORIENTED INTEROPERABILITY 5Engineering viewpoint COMPONENTS TYPES 6Technology viewpoint COMPONENT INSTANCES 7 Pilot-specific

Slide 18 CFP Engineering Architecture

Slide 19 GEOSS Clearinghouse GEOSS Registries Other Service User Interface Portal or Client 3. Search Request (Alt. 2. Search) 4. Search Response 7. Service Response 6. Service Request 5. Compose Request Publish-Find-Bind 2. Harvest 1. Register

Slide 20 Processing Service Data Access Service User Interface Portal or Client 1. Execute Request 2. GetData Request 5. Execute Response 4. Perform Process Processing of Service Responses 3. GetData Response

Slide 21 Oil Spill Scenario in enterprise modeling tool

Slide 22 Oil Spill Scenario in enterprise modeling tool

Slide 23 GEOSS Web Portal Working Group WG Leader: Ingo Simonis, OGC and Freelancer GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 24

Slide 25 GEO Web Portal WG - Scope CFP called for portal candidates for and technical architecture Three pilot-level portal candidates deployed to demonstrate concepts Report in early November 2007 –Comparison of candidates to CFP requirements –Annexes describing features of each candidate portal Future: GEO Web Portal selected by GEO Secretariat

Slide 26 Portal Engineering Viewpoint Internet Portrayal Services Portrayal Services Portrayal Services  Maps  Styling  Coverages  Map Context Data Services Data Services Data Services  Features  Gazetteer  Coverages  Symbology Mgmt Catalog Services Catalog Services Catalog Services  Data Discovery  Service Discovery  Catalog Update  Query Languages Portal Services Portal Services  Viewer Clients  Discovery Clients  Management Clients  Access Control  Exposed Services Geospatial Portal

Slide 27 Portal Requirements - Draft Functional Requirements –Portrayal Services –Access to Catalogue Services –Access to Data Services –Access to web pages at GEO Secretariat –Portal management functions Design Requirements –Free to install at GEO member sites –Minimum dynamic performance to be defined –GEOSS identity reflected in portal design

Slide 28 GEO Portal Current Status Pilot-level portals, provided by: –Compusult –ESA-FAO –ESRI Video capture –Portal-specific 3 minute videos completing later this week –Portals will be seen as part of scenario videos presented later in this presentation

Slide 29 Current Status II Portals presented at GEOSS Workshops – : IEEE-IGARSS; ESA-FAO – : IPY Geo North; Compusult – : ISPRS AfricaGIS: ESRI – : OGC TC Boulder: All Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on GEOSS Information Access, Beijing –Portal videos presented : Questionnaire developed initially by ESA to get additional information

Slide 30 Future Plans I Present portals at GEOSS workshops and meetings Develop portal presentation feedback form/questionaire Capture feedback from audience Harmonize new requirements with GEOSS Registry (additional entries) Develop GEO Web Portal Architecture and Requirements report Change name to GEOSS Web Portal?

Slide 31 AIP Clearinghouse Working Group Josh Lieberman, OGC & Traverse GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 32 AIP Architecture

Slide 33 Role of the Clearinghouse Broker; not an authority Search distribution point; not a repository Relies on community catalogs and services for “holdings” Maintains its own registry metadata for operation (e.g. QoS) Need an operational entity for persistence

Slide 34 GEOSS Clearinghouse Engineering Viewpoint

Slide 35 Distributed query protocols and strategies Distributed query versus harvesting Stored / cached queries Update channels and messages Query expansion and differentiation Request and response translation Aggregation and summarization of responses Query status messaging and other user-client interactions Determination of completeness and quality

Clearinghouse/Registry Video VIDEO

Slide 37 Clearinghouse Wiring Diagram GEOSS Registry Fetch Service Records Community Catalogs Register Components and Services Query / Harvest Catalogs Registry Client GEOSS Clearinghouse Other Community Services Query Clearinghouse for holdings and services Other Clients Consume remote service GEOSS Portal Harvest Capabilities

Slide 38 Clearinghouse Implementation WG Participants Joshua Lieberman, OGC IP Team Doug Nebert, Eliot Christian, FGDC Yuqi Bai, GMU Robert Thomas, Compusult Jeroen Tichler, Andrea Carboni, Archie Warnock, UN/FAO Ioannis Kanellopoulos, EC/JRC Lindsay Hernstrom, Martin Hogeweg, ESRI

FedEO Working Group Corentin Guillo, EADS Astrium

Slide 40 Federated Earth Observation Pilot (FedEO) Activities FedEO Pilot coordinated with GEO AI Pilot –Inputs to the AI Pilot Architecture document –Develop advanced services, e.g., workflow EO specializations of standards: –Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using ebRIM profile of CS-W –EO Application Profile for CSW 2.0 –EO Extension Package for ebRIM Profile of CSW 2.0 –GML Application Schema for EO Products –Sensor Planning Service Application Profile for EO Sensors –Ordering Services for Earth Observation Products –WMS - EO Application Profile for EO Products

Slide 41 FedEO - Status and Plans FedEO led development of Oil Spill demonstration Participants will update the different best practices and discussion papers after demonstration date. EADS Astrium - as system architect for FedEO - will provide inputs for the AIP Architecture

Slide 42 Participants EADS Astrium ESA Sapienza Consulting Spacebel GIM IONIC Infoterra Ltd NERC Datamat Siemens Austria ASA SPOT Image EUMETSAT

Slide 43 AI Pilot Working Group Reports Implementation –Architecture –GEO Web Portal –Clearinghouse –FedEO Pilot Scenarios –Wildland Fires in Africa –E&B in Africa –E&B in Polar Regions –Regional Climate Change –Response to Oil Spill –Response to Volcano –Response to Hurricane

Slide 44 African Wildfire Scenario Ingo Simonis, OGC and Freelancer GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 45 African Wildfire Scenario Demonstrates access to harmonized geospatial data and tasking of sensors in the context of GEOSS in response to fires in wildland fires in southern Africa. Features –Use MODIS satellite data to detect hotspots in Sub- Saharan Africa and North America –Use EO1 to evaluate/assess fire information –Use standardized interfaces and encodings –Register components at GEOSS catalogs

Slide 46 Current Status and Video Fire Information System operational EO1 tasked based on hotspot & powerline data

Slide 47 African Wildfire Scenario WCS Meraka/52n NASA PCI SPS WFS Hotspots Terra/Aqua EO1 SOS.. WMS.. Valuable Areas

Slide 48 Wildfire Scenario Future Plans EO1 tasked based on hotspot and commercial forestation data Integration of ASTER data for burn scar mapping and subsequent calibration of the hotspot detection algorithm Integration of topographical data sets Integration of meteorological data sets Calculation of fire spreading Active alerting using CAP and WNS Interaction with components provided/developed within the African Biodiversity Scenario

Slide 49 African Wild Fire Scenario Participants Ingo Simonis (lead) NASA Vightel Meraka/52north University of Maryland PCI Geomatics Columbia University GMU EPA EC/JRC

Oil Spill Scenario Franck Sery, EADS Astrium GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 51 Oil Spill Scenario Overview On 11 August 2006, the oil tanker Solar sunk off the coast of Guimaras Island in the Philippines. By 24 August 2006, some 50,000 gallons of oil had leaked into the sea, polluting more than 300 km of coastline and threatening fishing as well as other islands of the Philippines. A state of emergency was declared in the Philippines on 25 August 2006, and activated the International Charter: Space and Major Disaster. The following describes how Geoportal could have been used in this situation.

Slide 52 Oil Spill Scenario Overview CAP Alert displayed in ESA GEO Portal SSE Portal: browse and retrieve EO data from several missions Compusult GEO portal: search for OWS Services in GEOSS Registry and display of the data found Search for other relevant WMS Services in the Red Spider Catalogue and display in METIS viewer Brief description of ESONET’s ROSE system, display of data

Slide 53 Wiring Diagram – Positions in film CAP Alert WD EO Data Browse WD EO Data Programming WD

Slide 54 Oil Spill Scenario Video

Slide 55 Oil Spill Scenario Participants EADS Astrium ESA Sapienza Consulting Spacebel GIM ESONET NERC Datamat Siemens Austria ASA SPOT Image EUMETSAT IONIC Infoterra JAXA

Volcano Scenario Volcano Scenario WG lead: Satoko Horiyama MIURA/JAXA GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 57 Goal of the Scenario Merapi volcano in Indonesia –June, 2006 Goal : To provide integrated information for supporting decision making such as to issue an evacuation advice or a rescue operation.

Slide 58 Participating Components 1.Alert CAP Alert for Eruption and Volcanic Ash : USGS 2.Portal GEO Portal :ESA/FAO 3.Clearinghouse & catalog server ESRI 4.Web client for WMS/WCS GEO portal (map viewer) : ESA/FAO Earth monitoring browser : JAXA 5.WMS/WCS servers WMS layers such as Land cover, population, geographical information : FAO NASA/EO-1 & JAXA/ALOS satellite image : JAXA

Slide 59 Wiring Diagram: Volcano

Slide 60 Volcano Scenario

Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Africa WG Lead: Steve Peedell, European Commision/JRC GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 62 Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Africa Screen Captures from Video in following slides

Slide 63 Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Africa

Slide 64 Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Africa

Slide 65 Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Africa

Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Polar Regions Terry Fisher, NR Canada; Robert Thomas, Compsult; and Greg Yetman, CIESIN GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 67 Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Polar Regions The proposed pipeline route and crosses caribou habitat, including areas occupied during the calving season A significant portion of the proposed pipeline extends over areas that are predicted to be south of the line of permanent permafrost later this century. If the pipeline were to be constructed, this change in ground conditions must be considered in the design.

Slide 68

Slide 69 E&B - Polar: Wiring Diagram WMS Polar Data Clients WMS Caribou Tracks Canadian topo NRCan Geology NRCan NSIDC Compusult GeoWeb Portal Client WMS Geology layers SEDAC Permafrost WMS ACIA/SEDAC WMC Cubewerx GEOSS Clearinghouse Discovery

Regional Decisions for Climate Change Ilya Zaslavsky, SDSC; Andrew Woolf, BADC, Dan Owen, NOAA GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 71 Regional Decisions for Climate Change Evaluate the affect of climate change predictions on water resource management decisions Components –CHUASI HIS Client; SDSC –Current water resource relevant data; NOAA NIDAS and NCDC –IPCC Data Distribution Centres; BADC and CIESIN

Hurricane Scenario Dan Irwin, NASA/SERVIR GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 73 Hurricane Scenario Previously SERVIR was participating as a GEO Web Portal Candidate SERVIR is better considered as a Community Portal for multiple communities, e.g., hurricane response

Planning AI Pilot - Phase 2 George Percivall, OGC GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEO Task AR-07-02

Slide 75 AI Pilot Phase 1 results Demonstrated effectiveness of process: CFP, Kickoff, Execution, etc. –Approximately 120 organizations Established organizational structure and communication methods –For international coordination Videos of operational capacity developed –Near ready for delivery

Slide 76 Finalizing Phase 1 of AI Pilot Deliver final videos –To GEOSec, To Participants; On-line; DVD Finalize Initial Operating Capability –Define a web page summarizing the IOC –GEO Web Portal candidates and community portal URLs listed on IOC page –Continue Clearinghouse distributed search Deliver reports: architecture, portal, etc. Identify potential Phase 2 topics

Slide 77 Evolutionary Development for GEO ADC Advanced Development baseline with recurring updates System Operations: persistent capability with support of users AI Pilot, Phase 1, Development AI Pilot, Phase 2, Development Kickoff Execution Integration & Demo CFP Kickoff Execution Integration & Demo CFP Architecture RFI, Workshop Architecture RFI, Workshop

Slide 78 Architecture Development, AI Pilot Phase Phase 2 Request for Information (RFI) –Ask: what should be in Phase 2? –Baseline: Phase 1 IOC and architecture –Announce to GEO before end of 2007? Architecture Workshop –Consider RFI responses –Review IOC, Phase 1 results –Plan for Phase 2 development –Early 2008

Slide 79 GEO AR-07-02: AI Pilot Task Activities –Call for Participation (CFP), Kickoff, Workshop Working Group (WG) –Portal, Clearinghouse, Architecture WGs –Scenario WGs Next Phase of AI Pilot AI Pilot has broad international participation that could only have occurred with GEO. High interest and momentum in supporting GEOSS vision.

Slide 80 Contacts today for Videos Registry & Clearinghouse –Josh Lieberman GEO Web Portal - Compusult –Robert Thomas, Compsult GEO Web Portal - ESA/FAO –Ludwig Moeller, ESA GEO Web Portal - ESRI –Lindsay Hernstrom, ESRI Wildland Fires in Africa –Ingo Simonis, OGC E&B in Africa –Ioannis Kanellopoulos, EC/JRC E&B in Polar Regions –Robert Thomas, Compsult Response to Volcano –Satoko Miura, JAXA

Slide 81 George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc Questions?