The student at school number 187 in Baku
My school is a five storeyed building.
It is a quite big with sport ground behind it.On the groundfloor there are the classrooms for the primary-school pupils,library and canteen
Our school library is nice and clean.Two librarions help pupils to find books they need.There are many bookcases and bookshelves with a lot of books there.
If you enter the canteen you see a big light dining room.It is always busy and noisy,but it is clean.Here pupils and their teachers have their lunch.
There is a gymnasium on the ground floor as weel.
Our school has many classrooms.The classrooms light and spacions.Each room has teacher’s table,pupils desks,blackboard,tables and chart on the wall maps and portraits.
We go to school six days a week. Our classes start at 8:30 o’clock and last till 1 o’clock.So we have five or six lessons a day.
We study many different subjects:English,French,Literatures,History, Geography,Biology,Physics,Mathematics. Mathematics,Biology,English etc my favorite subjects.
We celebrate holiday a lot. For example: New year, Novruz holiday, 8March,Teacher’s day and etc.
This is first-grade students.However,this day is more interesting for the first-grade students.
Be at school before 8:10 Always wear a uniform Never miss school Respect your teacher and others Be polite to your classmates and others Don’t write on walls of the classroom etc
Like studying: My favorite proverb is “LIVE AND LEARN”