Launch of the Third Environmental Performance Review of Georgia June 8, 2016 Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia Georgia Environmental Performance Reviews Third Review UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Key Environmental Challenges of Georgia Ways and Approaches to Implement the EPR-3 Recommendations Launch of the EPR-3 of Georgia June 8, 2016 Gizo Chelidze Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Objectives Improve Environmental Governance Improve Public Participation Further Integration in International and Global Processes Facilitate Development of Green Economy
44 Georgia among 5 3rd EPR cycle countries Georgia, Moldova, Belarus Serbia, Montenegro EPR Cycles 3rd EPR nd EPR st EPR
Air protection Energy and environment Agriculture and environment Tourism and environment Health and environment Industry and environment Transport and environment Economic instruments and environmental expenditures for greening economy Waste management Legal, policy and institutional framework Forestry end environment Risk management of Natural and technological/ Anthropogenic Hazards Biodiversity and protected areas Water management EPR-3 CHAPTERS
Association Agreement Roadmap 3 Environmental Chapters 2 Environmental Annexes 11 Environmental Directions 27 EU Directives Association Agreement Covers all Environmental Requirement of Association Agreement Roadmap First Ministry that developed the Roadmap for the Association Agreement and DCFTA Implementation of environmental obligations Legislative Harmonization, Following Reforms Roadmap Implementation Review and Update Progress Analysis and Further Planning Adopted: 2 Laws 9 Sub-laws In Progress: 5 Laws 35 Sub-laws
Targets related to Environment 7 28 Government Administration SDG Nationalization Goals related to Environment
Environemental Governance EPR Reccomendations: - Improve EIA system - Establish SEA Response of Georgia New Environmental Assessment Code EPR Reccomendation: Develop legislation on integrated pollution prevention and control Response of Georgia IPPC Twining Fiche prepared
Air Protection EPR Reccomendation: Decrease pollution of air from transport sector Response of Georgia 2016 : Euro 4 Standard Petrol 2017: Euro 5 Standard Petrol Benzene Sulfur Dioxide Aromatic hydrocarbons State control on fuel quality Regularly informing population on the quality of motor fuel Eco-labeling of Petrol Stations
Batumi Kutaisi Chiatura Rustavi Tbilisi Zestaponi Air Quality Monitoring EPR Reccomendation: Optimize the monitoring network Response of Georgia Widening of monitoring system
Development of Effective Emission Inventory System Introduction of electronic emissions reporting system from enterprises Simplified Procedures for Business Effective System of Data Collection and Analyses Improved Quality of Environmental Risk Assessment Access to Information on Emissions from Enterprises
Adoption of “Law on Water Resources Management” and relevant sub- legislation Water Resources Management EPR Reccomendations: - Establish basin management structures; - Expand the water monitoring networks; - Assess the status of urban wastewater collection and treatment. Response of Georgia Introduction of basin management system Updating water quality ecological standards Gradually Improve wastewater collection and treatment
Register of high- risk enterprises Requirement of contingency plans for high-risk enterprises 2. Prevention and Mitigation 3. Readiness 4. Response 5. Recovery Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards Introduction of early-warning and alarm systems. Participation in recovery process. 1. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment NEA annual almanac on geological and hydrological hazards EPR Reccomendation: Identify and map hazardous activities Response of Georgia 5 steps system
Use of removed topsoil for re- cultivation purposes Development of re-cultivation methodology for degraded lands from mining Inventory abandoned mines Land and Mineral Resources EPR Reccomendation: Improve land resource management legislation Response of Georgia - Legislative changes; - Introduction of new methodology
New Waste Management Law since 2015 Circular Economy Relevant Sub-legislation since Waste Management Strategy since 2016 Waste Management Implement a waste data information system Monitoring and control of hazardous waste hotspots Feasibility study for a hazardous waste depository Response of Georgia: EPR Reccomendations: Underway Project on inventory of hazardous waste Project under discussion of feasibility study Other Developments: Waste Management Action Plan since 2016
Sustainable Management of Forests Improvement of Forest Infrastructure Improvement Forest Monitoring System National Forest Inventory New Forest Code Forestry
Protected Areas Kazbegi National Park Expansion Adding Birtvisi Natural Monument to Algeti National Park Establishment of Pontus Oak Reserve Feasibility Study for planned Erusheti, Rioni Delta and Racha protected areas Response of Georgia - Gradual expansion of PAs - Development of existing PAs EPR Reccomendation: Develop and maintain a protected areas network
Kazbegi Erusheti Racha Pontus Oak Rioni Delta Birtvisi
The New recreational Zone with Museum, Amphitheatre, Gallery and Cafeteria on Colimbari Island (built on former military tunnels)
Illustration 1 Illustration 5Illustration 6 The New recreational Zone with Museum, Amphitheatre, Gallery and Cafeteria on Colimbari Island (built on former military tunnels)
Dynamic of Visitor in Protected Areas ( ) visitors
International Partners UNECE
E R 3 P Georgia Environmental Performance Reviews Third Review UNECE Gizo Chelidze