Osteomyelitis symptoms include: Fever, chills Irritability, lethargy in children Pain in the immediate area of the infection Swelling, warmth and redness over the area Osteomyelitis may or may not cause signs and symptoms. Osteomyelitis can be treated. Affected patients, require surgery in order to remove necrotic parts of the bone. Potent antibiotics, & therapy are common post treatment.
Bone death (osteonecrosis). An infection in your bone can impede blood circulation within the bone, leading to bone death. Your bone can heal after surgery to remove small sections of dead bone. If a section of the bone has become severely necrotic, amputating the affected extremity may be necessary in order to prevent the spread of further infection. Preventing Osteomyelitis The best way to prevent osteomyelitis is to keep exposed injuries clean. Flush out any open wound under running water, then cover it with a sterile bandage in conjunction with an antibiotic ointment. Contact your doctor at the first sign of infection.
Soft tissue swelling of fifth toe with the pockets of air in the soft tissue & evidence of destruction of the fifth toe; findings are compatible with Osteomyelitis. 5 th Metatarsal (patient’s distal, middle & proximal phalanx was amputated, due to infection b/c of the severe state.