WELCOME to Department of Science & Humanities
Established in the Year 1998 Our department caters Basic Sciences, Social Sciences and Environmental studies courses to all U.G. Programs Department Head :Prof. S. R. Chawde
Name of Laboratory Room No Applied Physics A018 Applied Chemistry A009 Language Lab A024 No of Classrooms : 10 No of Tutorial Room: 1
Total No. Of Faculty Regular Position Ad-Hoc position With Ph.D Qualific ations Pursuing Ph.D M.Phil/ M.Tech
Prof S.R.Chawade HOD R.No A015 Prof A.S.Desai Asso.HOD R.No A212 Offices of all F.Y.B.Tech faculty of S & H Dept. are located on ground floor and second floor of Arayabhatt building.
Room No. B101-A Division (COMP) Room No. B102-B Division (COMP) Room No. B103-G Division (IT) Room No. B104-H Division (IT) Room No. B105-I Division (MECH) Sem I: Applied Maths-I,Applied Physics-I, Applied Chemistry-I,BEEE, Engg. Graphics, Communication Skills
Room No. A102 -E Division ( EXTC) Room No. A103 -F Division (EXTC) Room No. A104 -J Division (MECH) Room No. B501-C Division (ETRX) Room No. B502-D Division (ETRX) Sem 1:Applied Maths-I,Applied Physics-I, Applied Chemistry-I, Engg. Mechanics, EVS, FCP
LaboratoryRoom No App Science (Phy.Lab) A018 App Science (Chem.Lab) A009 Language Lab. A024 BEEE Lab 1 A010 BEEE Lab 2 A410 Engg.Graphics Lab A313 Engg. Mechanics Lab. A207 FCP Lab B110
1. Applied Mathematics (SEM I & II): Total 8 tutorials, 1 credit of 25 marks 2. Communication Skills (SEM I & II) : Total 8 tutorials, 1 credit of 25 marks
Environmental Studies: Mini projects are given to the students GroupWise. 25 marks are allocated for project work and presentation.
SAHAS : Students’ Association of Humanities And Sciences EMFINITY : Mathematics Club
SAHAS is the youngest student council of KJSCE Gives platform to students to represent their talent Conducts events like Echo ethno trek, Industrial visit, Guest lectures, Workshops, Fun Events Celebrates the Department day ‘ZEAL’ in which meritorious students are felicitated and parents are invited. Contact in Room No.A201 & A016
Students Association of Humanities And Sciences
Emfinity is the official Mathematics club of KJSCE Inaugurated on 19 th March 2015 Club’s aim is to develop interest in mathematics and get better understanding of the subject Conducted events : Mathematics Treasure Hunt, Shoot at Sight, The Game of Maths- Quiz Guest lecture: Advances in Optics Contact Person : Prof. Vinayak Kharpude (A 212 )
Math’s Quiz
Exposure Courses : (Extra curricular and Co- curricular activities) for F. Y. B. Tech students registration forms will available in R. No. A015, B110, Xerox counter (Bhaskaracharya Building). Need cum Merit Scholarship: Help to the needy students given by college for IT & Electronics (Coordinated by S & H Department) Detailed notification will come later.
Railway Concession : Room No. A115 Admin Office Exam Section : Room No. A111 Principal Office: Room No.A108 Accounts Office: Room No. A114
As per the Mumbai University Ordinance, students should have minimum 75% attendance in theory for all courses and should complete all practical tutorials as per norms. Term will not be granted to those students who fail to fulfill above mentioned criterion
Thank You… All the Best…