Society for Conservation Biology Auburn University Chapter Check us out on Facebook WHEN?TUESDAY Mar. 3 6:00-7:00 PM Guest Speaker: Dr. David Steen “Road mortality and freshwater turtle conservation in North America” Also: Info on Tigers 4 Tigers plans for spring semester! WHERE? 112 Rouse Life Sciences
Biotic Pollination Plant-animal interactions, often mutualisms Mystery slide…..
Outcrossing Favor outcrossing?
Outcrossing Favor outcrossing: 4) Self-incompatibility: stop
Pollination syndromes Disclaimer: We make broad generalizations and exceptions exist to most statements! Pollination Syndrome: flower & pollinator
Pollination syndromes Bee pollination Bees: –intelligent, agile –Good sight (incl. Leafcutter bee Bumble bee Halictid bee European honeybee
Pollination syndromes Flowers: –Colorful (not red) –Landing platform: –Mildly fragrant –Often nectar guides: Petals in visible light (top) and UV (bottom) Orchid flower with nectar guides (lines) on petals
Pollination syndromes Fremontodendron decumbens (endangered chaparral shrub) flowers UV reflectance photo (right) Tony Danza??
Pollination syndromes Beetle pollination Beetles: –Clumsy, dumb –Poor vision,
Pollination syndromes Bird pollination: Flower-visiting birds: –Agile, long beak –visual: see red –poor “smell”
Pollination syndromes Flowers: –red/orange –Nectar (m Aloe ???
Pollination syndromes Butterfly pollination Butterflies: good vision/smell, long tongue –Don’t hover well coiled tongue tongue extended
Pollination syndromes Flowers: –Color varies (blue, yellow, orange) Phlox pilosa
Pollination syndromes Bat pollination –Nocturnal: sight good (
Pollination syndromes Flowers –Open night: light color –Lots –May be pendant (). Parkia flowers
Pollination syndromes Bat pollination: Mainly tropical In U.S., saguaro Saguaro flowers Saguaro cactus
Pollination syndromes Moth pollination Moths: –Sight good (but
Pollination syndromes Flowers: –Open night –Sweet Night blooming jasmine
Pollination syndromes Moth story: nectar spur Nectar spur: long pouch bottom) Nectar spurs on columbine
Pollination syndromes Moth story: nectar spur Nectar spur: long pouch bottom) Selection for
Pollination syndromes Angraecum orchid (Madagascar) Nectar spur almost 1 ft. long!
Pollination syndromes Flesh fly pollination –Fly: Good smell Flowers Stapelia flower Asimina triloba
Fly flower: Rafflesia Ex, Rafflesia Root parasite Largest flower Some tourist guy…. Tony Danza? 2014
Pollination syndromes Largest inflorescence Corpse-flower (titan arum) Inside view spadix and spathe
Sexual Mimics Fls. look/smell like female bee/wasp –Study: Sexual mimic orchids Male “mating” with flower!
Pollination syndromes Grass pink orchid (Calopogon): –Fake stamens (on labellum) –No reward Calopogon orchid (fl. upside down!) Most orchids……
Biotic Pollination Mutualism: (+,+) interaction Do animal cheaters prosper?? Floral robbers! Cool robbers…
Biotic Pollination Floral Larceny: Visitor –Ex, snapdragon: (nectar robbing) Is robbing bad??
Biotic Pollination Neg. or pos.! Pos.: “legitimate”
Biotic Pollination Cheaters prosper?? Animal cheaters. Yucca moth story Yucca filamentosa
Biotic Pollination Pollination: yucca moth Behavior: female
Biotic Pollination Mutualism: plant pollinated, moth young eat seeds
Biotic Pollination Abort frs. w/ few seeds!
Biotic Pollination Interesting plant-animal interactions, often mutualisms Mystery slide….. Fish affect pollination?
Biotic Pollination Fish affect pollination? Peelbark St. John’s wort (Hypericum fasciculatum) Pond margins
Biotic Pollination Trophic cascade: Effects
Ch. 7: Plant Growth and Reproduction (Seed Dispersal)
“Thinking” like a plant…. Coast redwood –2,000 yrs.: to Safe site: location suitable
Why disperse? 1) Escape competition (parent/siblings) Seed shadow: pattern Bristlecone pine: lives up to 5000 years! Usually “acorn doesn’t fall far from tree”