Sports Nutrition
General Eating Having a well balanced diet is vitally important for athletes to ensure you are getting all of the necessary nutrients/vitamins/minerals. There are 4 main energy sources that fuel our body: Carbohydrate Protein Fat Alcohol
The preferred energy source for your body Provides the glucose needed to produce ATP (energy source for muscular contraction) If your body runs out? You will need to utilise other fuel sources (protein or fat) which is less effective Carbohydrate needs depend on individual energy requirements
Your weight (kg) x grams of carb/kg = carb requirements each day Grams Carb/kgActivity Level 1Very little aerobic activity as possible 2Sleeping/watching TV 3Daily Chores (the amount most adults eat) 4-5Good intake for active people – 3-5 hours exercise/week 5-7Serious amateur athlete – 10 hours exercise/week 7-9Serious professional athlete/endurance – 20+ hours per week
Protein is the building blocks of muscles / organs Intake must meet the demands of training Build muscle Repair broken muscle Most adults (and recreational athletes) consume more than enough protein
Your weight (kg) x grams of protein/kg = protein requirements each day Requirement (g/kg body weight)Person 0.75gAdult Australian gRecreational Athlete gEndurance Athlete 1.6gElite Endurance Athlete g (depending on period of trainingStrength Athlete
Not good sources of energy Some fat is essential in the diet Used to transport/absorb vitamins Will be used as an energy source in later stages of endurance events – when all glucose stores have been depleted Alcohol Body can not utilise for energy
Carbohydrates Eat 2 fruit per day Choose starchy vegetables – potato, corn, baked beans, sweet potato Pasta Bread Steamed Rice Banana Sandwich Low fat yoghurt Tinned fruit Low fat dairy products Breakfast cereal – weet-bix, muesli Protein Lean red meat Chicken Fish – tuna/salmon Low fat dairy products Baked beans Eggs Nuts/seeds/legumes Fortified breakfast cereals A protein shake CAN assist, but is NOT ESSENTIAL
Pregame Before – proper nutrition before sport is very important Eat something high carbohydrate, low fat and moderate protein ▪ Cereal with low fat milk ▪ Fruit/yoghurt ▪ Baked beans on toast ▪ Pasta with low fat sauce ▪ Bread rolls with honey / jam Liquid or low fibre options are easier to digest Eat at least 2 – 3 hours before Don’t forget about hydration ▪ Sip on water / energy drink ▪ 300 – 500mLs of water in the 15 minutes before exercise During Remain hydrated Drink regularly 150 – 250 mLs of fluid every 15 minutes ▪ More fluid may be required in hotter weather ▪ Water is the best choice Over 60 minutes? ▪ You can add a source of carbohydrate to help supplement lost stores Half time break ▪ Aim for 30 – 60g carbohydrate ▪ Sports Drink ▪ Energy / Carbohydrate Shot ▪ ½ Banana ▪ Make sure it is easy to digest Key message is everyone is different. What works well for you, may not work for someone else. Practice makes perfect!
Avoid fatty take away and alcohol This delays your body’s ability to recover Is not a great source of carbohydrate / protein Drink the amount of fluid you have lost as sweat Most athletes sweat at 500 – 1000mL/hour Eat or drink some carbohydrates to replace energy stores within the 15-20mins after exercise This becomes more important when you need to back up with a second game / training the next day
Everyone is different – find out what works for you Carbohydrate is more important than protein Pregame meal 2 – 3 hours before High carbohydrate/protein, low fat Easy to digest After 90 minutes (1/2 time) – replenish glucose stores Sports drink, carbo shot, jelly beans Practice makes perfect Train how you would compete – this includes nutrition! HYDRATION, HYDRATION, HYDRATION!!!