The Supreme Question of Life! Colossians 1:15-23
Background Information! Colossians was written around 60 a.d. Epaphras & Philemon started this church. Paul was in prison at Rome. Theme: Colossians 1:18 Problems Paul is addressing: Gnosticism & Jewish Legalism.
Christ is creator of all things! (vs.15-17) Christ existed before creation! (v.15) – Hebrews 1:3 – John 14:9 – John 1:18 Christ created all things! (v.16a) – John 1:3 All things exist for Him! (v.16b) – We were created to please Him. Christ holds all things together! (v.17)
Christ desires to have first place in all things! (vs.18-23) Christ desires first place in the church! (v.18) – I Corinthians 12:12-13 Christ desires to reconcile you back unto the Father! (vs.19-22a) – James 4:4 – Romans 5:8-11 Christ desires for you to be holy and blameless! (vs.22b-23) – I Peter 1:16
The Supreme Question? Is He at the center of your life? Does He have first place in your life? John MacArthur said, “The Biblical mandate for both sinners & saints is not to ‘make’ Christ Lord, but rather to bow to His lordship. He is ever & always Lord, whether or not anyone acknowledges His lordship or surrenders to His authority.”