Towards the Future Back to the Roots Team Leader: Richya Team Members: Sorana, Gayathri, Richya Country: India
Our Solution – A recap Our dream job is to be an agronomist. We want to create an organization which employs the expertise of farmers and the research of agronomy and uses their lands to produce profitable results. By this system, farming and agronomy become one of the most sought after industries. Our idea of the perfect education combines outdoor education and project-oriented approach with global education/distance learning.
Our Dream Education Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore’s university of Viswas Bharathi in India implements our idea of an outdoor school which is not confined by the walls of a classroom. Agastya Foundation is an organization where a project-oriented, practical approach is followed for underprivileged children in the rural India. Our aim is to combine the above and add one important missing ingredient: distance learning. Nature + Project-oriented learning + Distance learning = DREAM EDUCATION!
Dream job Agronomy is the answer to global warming and world hunger. The industry has a long life. Agronomy will create job opportunities; at the same time help farmers have a stable income. A small move like E-Choupal to link directly with rural farmers via the Internet for procurement of agricultural and aquaculture products made their lives easier. Using the existing land, implementing proper irrigation techniques and using renewable energy can bring about a revolution in the agricultural industry.
Is it possible? "I do not remember what I was taught, I only remember what I learned" – Rabindranath Tagore ● Our idea of the dream education has been implemented in India since the Vedic times; Gurukuls. ● With the latest technology, distance learning is easy. ● Agronomy can be the next big thing if best minds undergo the perfect education. ● The effort to impact ratio of agronomy is huge. ● Existing resources like land, power, water can be used judiciously with the latest technological advancements.