Manhood Tattoos – Weighing in on the Pros and Cons By John Dugan.


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Presentation transcript:

Manhood Tattoos – Weighing in on the Pros and Cons By John Dugan

Most men will do anything to avoid manhood pain - and why not? There's good reason to protect the part of the body that makes life worth living. Yet there are some hardy souls who are willing to face the pain of a needle prick (and not just once but a multitude of times) in order to make his prize package even more of a prize. Those men who willingly obtain a tattoo on their package are brave; hopefully, they're also smart enough to consider the possible consequences to their manhood health.manhood health

The obvious pain factor A guy who decides he wants tattooed junk has balls, alright. Hopefully he has not only thought about the pain involved; he's investigated just what it means. The larger and more intricate the design, the more times a man will be poked; even a very small design is going to involve dozens, if not hundreds of pin pricks. Some men who have decorated their dongs recommend doing a test first: stick a needle into the equipment to see how it feels. While this may make sense, men that try this need to first make absolutely sure that the needle used is 100% sterile. Another option: get a tattoo on another body part first. This will allow you to judge how you might handle the more intense pain of a male organ tattoo.

The junk handling factor If someone is going to tat the tool, that means someone is going to be handling it; most likely a stranger. And, while there are some female tattoo artists, it will most likely be a male. A man needs to be sure he's okay with another man handling his rod before proceeding. He also needs to realize that the artist may not always be gentle. He has a job to do, and he has to manipulate the manhood to get it in the right positions; delicacy is not always the prime consideration. Finally, the manhood needs to be basically soft while being tattooed; however, getting hard is sort of inevitable under these circumstances, so if a guy is easily embarrassed by going stiff in front of another guy, junk painting may not be the best option for him.

Related possible pain issues In addition to the understandable pain of a needle penetrating the organ, there are some other potential manhood pain issues that can arise when getting a manhood tat. These include: Infection. No surprise here. The media is often filled with horror stories of people getting horribly sick due to piercing by an unclean needle. While the chances of this occurring are obviously much less if one chooses a reputable, clean establishment, it's still a consideration to keep in mind.

Nonstop tumescence. Sure, most guys jokingly think that having a permanent woody would be a blast; in real life, however, nonischemic priapism, which can be a side effect of a getting a manhood tattoo, is anything but a laughing matter. In this condition, blood is not able to properly leave the manhood, resulting in an intensely painful firm manhood that may require surgery to correct. Scarring. Male organ skin is very thin and not as durable as skin on exposed parts of the body; that thinness is part of what makes it capable of delivering the astounding sensations associated with Sensuality. Invasive needling can easily lead to the development of scar tissue, which ultimately can affect manhood sensitivity.

Take steps to minimize pain. If a man decides to take the tat path, there are a few things he can do to help minimize pain: Thoroughly wash the area in advance of the procedure, and keep it very clean for the next week or more as it heals. Consider using an appropriate topical treatment to numb the area. Consult with a doctor to determine what would be best to use on the manhood in question. Let it rest. While the manhood is healing, don't engage in intimate activity, whether alone or with a partner.

Keep an eye on it. If anything seems amiss, contact a doctor right away; it's better to be safe than sorry. Most important of all: choose your tattoo artist with care. Cleanliness and sanitary conditions are paramount. After the manhood has begun its healing process, definitely administer a first rate manhood health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) on a regular basis. A cream with vitamin E and shea butter can help soothe the sore, irritated skin; one that also contains acetyl L carnitine can assist in repairing scarring that may result from the tattoo experience.manhood health cream