SHIPS, SPEEDERS VEHICLES, FIGHTERS BATTLEFRONT You use power ups to call in tanks, ships, vehicles, and fighters You get into speeders BATTLEFRONT CLONE WARS You get into Tanks, speeders, fighters, ships, and vehicles.
ORBITAL STRIKE BATTLEFRONT You get a power up to call in a orbital strike. BATTLEFRONT CLONE WARS You must get the targeting micro binoculars to call in the fleet auto guns to target the specified area (cannot use if fleet is destroyed)
CUSTOMIZATION BATTLEFRONT You are given options of character looks, species and genders, however you cannot customize their gear or clothing specifically, the looks are already chosen for you. The gear is specified for a specific planet (Hoth = snowtrooper, sullist = magma trooper, etc.) Not much needs to change except additional customizations for these armors. BATTLEFRONT CLONE WARS Battle droids are supplied to you along with other factions except the clone troopers, you customize your own trooper however you want. Hairstyle, tattoos, scars, accessories, cybernetics, armor paintjob patterns, stickers, tally marks etc. Players must also create different types of customizations for different armor types as well. Also your helmet stays on in battle but has the option of being removed, and can be knocked off if you die. The armor type and legion is specified for a specific planet half the time (geonosis = phase 1 armor, Orto plutonia = Snow trooper, Mygeeto = marines, etc.)
CLONE LEGION SYSTEM THE MAJORITY OF THE GAME WOULD BE PHASE 2 ARMOR WITH PHASE 1 ONLY BEING AVAILABLE FOR CERTAIN AREAS AND STAGES OPTION 1# Players vote on which legion they want for a battle effecting the color scheme and playable heroes. OPTION 2# Players customize their own trooper leading to an army of colorful and diverse trooper and armor types plus the player gets to customize which 6 hero options they wish to be. This would be good for fun and colorful battles but not so good for roleplay battles.
CLONE LEGION SYSTEM OPTION 3# Each clone legion and its heroes are assigned to a certain planet or area Mygeeto = Ki-Adi-mundi, marines Felucia = 327 th, Ayla Secura Courascant = Courascant guard Mon Calla = Unknown, Kit Fisto Geonosis = Phase 1 troopers OPTION 4# Players are given a choice of different classes that they can customize their armor and faces but not their loadout and weapons.
POWER UPS AND SUPPLY DROP OFFS Power ups are hidden throughout the map and are random, this can be very upsetting because this leads to frustration in not knowing what you will get, and players rushing and fighting with each other trying to get these power ups instead of focusing on the battle. Same with heroes. This mode could be kept in the game but just for certain modes. Each side starts out with a certain amount of supplies and must use them wisely, when the run out gunships, escape pods, and supply ships bring more supplies for players. If these get shot down then the supplies will survive and fall to the ground like glorious rain for the players. Players must also learn to conserve them too, if they use them to quickly then they will run out and have to wait for the next shipment. Also they are supplied in boxes that players open to see what's inside and the power up equipment has a glowing yellow outline to help players find them. Rocket box = 6 launchers Orbital strike goggles = 4 orbital strike
POWER UPS ASSIGNED BOXES Each power up has a different container to tell them apart (also might be a labels too) so the players don’t get confused RANDOM BOXES The boxes are all random with no labels so players don’t know what's inside the boxes.
HERO POWER UPS BATTLEFRONT Hero power ups are located through out the map and players must find them to be able to use a hero. You choose from a selection of heroes STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT OPTION 1# The amount of heroes is determined by the map mode. (example) 3 hero's from each opposing side start out in a battle, if a player kills an opposing team hero they get to be a hero for their side either by equipping hero power up or dying and selecting a hero. For hero options see Clone legion system options above.
GAME MODES AND MAPS BATTLEFRONT Has maps and game modes BATTLEFRONT CLONE WARS Has more maps and game modes