DTL F.Grespan – A.Pisent – P.Mereu – M.Poggi-M.Comunian-R.De Prisco LNL– 05/05/2014F. Grespan
Contents Design overview: DTL v.84 List of components RF design (couplers, post couplers) Mechanical design Prototypes and high power test Vacuum Cooling Production sequence Assembly workshop in Lund In-kind contribution F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014
Design overview. DTL v.84 F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014 Uniform input distribution Max Gradient ~61.6 T/m
DTL v.84 properties F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014 Parameter/Tank12345 Cells E0 [MV/m] E max /Ek 1.55 s [deg] (intertank matching excluded) -35 to L Tank [m] 7.62 (8.95 )7.09 (8.32 )7.58(8.90 )7.85 (9.21 )7.69(9.03 ) Bore Radius (mm) Tuning [MHz]±0.5 Q0 (margin 1.25) Optimum coupling Filling Time [micros] Optimum detuning [MHz] Peak P cu [MW] (no margin) E out [MeV] P TOT [MW] (1.25 on P cu )
List of components (preliminary PBS) F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/ Tanks (n=5) i.Module cylinder 20 ii.Girder 20 2.Drift tubes =168 (four kinds, with PMQ n=89, steerers n=30, BPM n=15, empty n=39) 3.RF Components 1.Couplers 10 2.Pick up 9x5=45 3.Tuners fixed 115, movable 10? 4.Post couplers Beam Components 1.PMQ 31(L=50mm)+58(L=80mm) 2.Steerers 6x5=30 3.BPM 3x5=15 5.Vacuum components (10 manifolds) 6.End plates and 4 intertanks 1.End covers 10, with PMQ 5, with beam current monitor 5 2.N=4 intertanks 7.Support and alignment 1.N=5 isostatic support 2.N=2 alignment support 8.ancillaries
RF design Thermo-mech. Simulations: –Cooling channels for long Drift Tubes –Dynamic tuning range –Movable tuners Post couplers –Distribution compatible with tank modulation has been fixed (some PC flange close to tank border must be redesigned) –Detuning ≈20kHz, Power dissipation ≈ 45kW –Tank1 PC/cells: First 12 cells= ¼, Second 18 cells= 1/3, Others= ½. Total=23 –Tank2 PC/cells: First 20 cells= ½, Others= 1/1. Totale=22 –Tank3-4-5 PC/cells: 1/1. Total= Power coupler simulations –Dimensions for optimum coupling varying iris aperture and height: β=1.2, 20% margin, including beam power) –Local detuning & Field perturbation F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014 hole hole=60mm Ycenter=629mm hole=70mm Ycenter=639mm
Mechanical Design DTL general layout –Weight (10tons), envelope and total amount of space of each tank –Waveguide and Vacuum pump positioning –2m-Modules subdivision must tank into account DTs, post couplers, tuners –Intertanks: T1-T2= 108.3mm; T2-T3: 168.4mm; T3-T4: 218.5mm; T5-T5: 249.1mm –Interface flange for intertank diagnostic –each tank is independently supported by an isostatic alignment system F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014
Prototype 1: DT-PMQ F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014 Rough sleeve 316LN Sep. cylinder 304L Rough DT body CuC2-OFE PMQ Error study (remanence, block position):DONE Forces for assembly (≈ 60N) Magnetic DT-PMQ geometry (from Linac4 prototype): DONE DT-PMQ Fabrication/Assembly procedure (2 brazing steps + last EBW in 1 point): DONE PMQ body produced at INFN-TO: DONE Rare earth pieces purchasing: DONE PMQ meas.& tuning CERN) October 2014
Prototype 2: DT-BPM F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014 BPM EM simulations DT-BPM geometry DT-BPM Fabrication/Assembly procedure (2 brazing steps + last EBW in 3 points) DT & BPM machining and assembly (INFN TO-LNL) (delivery November 2014) BPM mapper definition and order placed (delivery October 2014) DT –BPM meas. & in January 2015 Inner sleeve 316L Separation cylinder 304L DT body CU-OFE Final EBW
Prototype 3: DT-Steerer F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014 DT-Steerer geometry (from Linac4 prototype) DT-Steerer Fabrication/Assembly procedure (2 brazing steps + Final EBW: beam pipes and lower cover of DT) Min. Steerer space inside shortest DT Steerer max strength = 1.6mT*m Steerer prototype specification to Company for design and production Steerer order to be placed DT steerer (INFN TO-LNL) Beam pipe Steerer (cables not represented) Final EBW Length45 mm Max available length inside drift tube Bore diameter33 mmDT bore diameter is 12 mm Maximum external diameter 60 mm Max available diam. inside drift tube Maximum integrated field1.6 mT *m Elliptical tube for the current leads 6 x 5 mm Each dipole horizontal or vertical for a total number of elements 15Ver+15 Hor
High Power LNL F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/ solid state amplifiers 125 kW-CW each, 352 MHz MUNES project: order placed. Control system developed for multiple coupler feeding. Waveguides and circulator at LNL from MUNES project. IFMIF high power test stand now ready will be readapted. High power DTL prototype from Linac4-CERN (peak power 180 kW, 10% duty cycle, E0=3.3MV/m): writing agreement for loan 3 drift tubes will be replaced by ESS drift tubes containing instrumentation + 1movable tuner for frequency control. Ready for test in January 2015 Magic tee
Cooling and Vacuum system Power dissipation (70kW) Water temperature (inlet: 30°C, dT: 0.5°C) Water distribution Water Flow (≈110 mc/h) 5 water skids provided by LNL Water Pressure drop and Pump requirements Vacuum tank model n. of pumps (2 per tank, 1 st and 4 th modules) Type of pumps (ESS) vacuum port design (LNL) Manifold design with pump and gauge ports(LNL) F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014 Target Pressure2.00E-07mbar Port Efficiency60% Tank1Tank2Tank3Tank4-5 Gas Load7.35E E E E-05mbar Lt/s Pumping Speed Needed Lt/s Pumping Speed Installed Lt/s Modules: 2 series of 2 modules each Tuners: 2 groups Post couplers: 2 groups DTs: all in parallel Steerer: all in parallel End walls: 2 RF couplers: 2
Production sequence (draft) F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/ Forged cylinders production, tank machining, copper plating. Girder and other components, CMM and vacuum tests… 2.Production of the beam components 3.Production of vacuum, support and intertank components 4.DT Brazed structure production (with cooling circuit tested) 5.Integration of the beam component in the DT 6.E-beam welding sealing, final tests on DTs 7.Assembly of the module (2 m), installation and alignment of the DTs 8.Assembly of the tank (4 modules), alignment, machining of the adaptation rings for relative position, tuning, tuners, ports, vacuum test,… 9.Installation and alignment of the tanks in the tunnel, installation of the intertank plates 10.Installation of vacuum, cooling, RF couplers…. NOTE 1-6 al INFN site, 7-8 DTL workshop at Lund, 9-10 in the tunnel
Assembly workshop in Lund From a rough planning we discussed here (with T0 of the in-kind contribution decided and operational 1 Jan 15) the workshop should be ready for June 17 1."Clean" and quite environment, temperature controlled. 2.About 13x 10 m for the assembly of the tank, separate space for storing the assembled tank. 3.It should be a closed part of a larger building, or in any case there should be a convenient entry space (for structures) before exiting outdoor (at least 10x8 m) can be shared with other labs, it is useful sometimes the possibility to enter with small vans or tracks. a small vestibule for people (about 2x2 m) 4.Slow crane at least 3 tons inside the workshop for the assembly of the tank. 5.The workshop should be not far from the tunnel, strategy to move the 8 tons tank into the tunnel should be decided (CERN has the possibility to open the roof and using a large building crane) 6.mechanical workshop for small interventions and adjustments 7.Electrical supply for vacuum tests, compressed air, RF low power.... F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014
In-kind contribution (draft) The DTL (list of components in slide 5) Ancillaries –Cooling system 5 skids with temperature stabilization. Tubes from skids to tank: mounted by ESS. Provided by ….? –Vacuum system Manifold designed and provided by LNL valves, gauges, pumps defined by ESS (vacuum handbook). Provided by LNL? –Local control system: water temperature controls? Vacuum control and interlock? Temperature monitors? Arc detector for RF windows? –RF Cables? –Assembly –Installation and commissioning? F. GrespanLNL– 05/05/2014