Part 16 Sequential and single sequence grouting with hybrid and semi-hybrid grouts VII-2009 (Part 16, PP 2007, animation+p/r : DEMO) ready 1 Copyright notice Unauthorised copying of this presentation as whole or in parts in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permision is prohibited.
2 The major interest of combi (hybrid) grout lies in the ability to play with the gel time which allows to reduce the injection volume and, in case of high water flow, to avoid dispersion and dilution by an accurate reaction time setting - especial in cold water. ready
low temperatures Convenient in low temperatures ready 3 press
4 Cement inTBM pre- and consolidation grouting: Non expansive material. It needs a big infrastructure. The TBM don‘t have normally enough space, specially in the head. Around 2,5 T per cubic meter rock needed. Around 2,5 T per cubic meter rock needed. Requires a static and powerful pump, as well hoses in big dimensions. It is very difficult to drill a perforation of mm of diameter in the segments because the reinforcement steel in the segments. It needs one or two days setting time. Can‘t resist a high pressure water ingress during setting process. ready
5 GEOFOAM (OMR = Organo-mineral resin) inTBM pre- and consolidation grouting: Expansive material: Foam factor x It doesn‘t need a big infrastruture. Usage of around 70 Kg per cubic meter rock. Requires a small bicomponent pneumatic pump, around 90 Kg of weight and DN 10 high pressure hoses. The complete system can be transported by 2 persons. You can drill the perforations with a diameter of 22 mm in the segments. It is much easier to find a place without reinforcement steel with this diameter. It needs just 40 seconds for setting time. The characteristic of the reaction and the high foam factor allows to stop in a short time a heavy water ingress. It doesn‘t propagate the flamme. ready
6 Other problems inTBM pre- and consolidation grouting: - when you want to stop a water ingress, you can use several materials to stop it: 1. Cement. It is a very cheap material, but it can‘t stop the water pressure conditions and big flows. 2. Polyurethanes. It can stop the water ingress in hard conditions. The main problem is the polyurethanes are normally fammable. Inside the TBM-tunnels are prohibited the usage of inflammable matherials. 3. Expansive Silicate Resins (GEOFOAM). It can stop the water ingress in hard conditions as well, and it doesn‘t propagate the flame and it can be used in the TBM-tunnels. ready
7 Cement grouts with silicate accelerator - semi-hybrid grout not convenient in cold water and large voids ready
8 Acceleration of Rheocem by MEYCO SA 160 alkali free accelerator Makes it possible to get a controlled setting in few minutes, without any risk of clogging in the equipment ready BASF
9 Accelerated grout: nozzle and tank Rheocem Meyco SA 160 ready BASF
10 Injection Techniques Sequential Grouting Liquid Mineral Grouting Pure Resin (+Acc.) injection Crack system Single Sequence Grouting Pure Resin (+Acc.) + Filler (Inert/ Active) CarboBlock ready
11 Cement grout PU resin > 40 bars anti-return valve Rotating connector To the packer Sequential Grouting CarboTech (now Minova) 2-component polyurethane and cement slurry grouting system ready
2-component polyurethane system or mineral component (sequential grouting) Component B - polyisocyonate Component A - polyols Component A+B ready 12
13 Mechanical packer for sequential grouting with cement and 2-component polyurethanes according to TNa proposal Cement grout ready PU (A+B)
Sequential grouting through the TITAN rods with 1-comp. PU or cement slurry cement PU 14 ready
15 Sequential Grouting CarboTech (now Minova) 2-component polyurethane and cement slurry grouting system ready
16 Single Sequence Grouting CarboBlock = CB System = resin Injection of resin (+ quantity of Acc) CementFly-ash mixed automatically with Cement or Fly-ash CFCementFly-Ash (the suffix C or F designs Cement or Fly-Ash) ready
17 Grout = CarboBlock W/F system = (Volumetric mix: 1. 50% 1-c PU CarboStop W +its accelerator CarboAdd X % Fly-ash. 1-c PU CarboStop W + accelerator CarboAdd X Fly-ash ready press
18 CarboBlock W/F system - final product ready
19 GENERIC COMPOSITION The grout is presented into 2 solutions ( A and B ) which, once mixed together will react. The cement, chemically inert, can be placed whether in Solution A, in Solution B or in both. CementGelacryl Grouting with Cement and Gelacryl MixingGelification ready press
20 Grout Structure Evolution Grout Structure Evolution The reaction of the combi-grout becomes clearly marked by 2 main steps: - The first step called « consistancy setting » will form, in a given time, a reticulated hydrogel whose volume will remain stable whether in dry or humid conditions. - The second step called « performance setting » leads to the final characteristics of the product by formation of the mineral skeleton. This final structure of the grout is based on a double mineral and chemical connection. Setting Time Setting Time Depending on the concentration of initiator (AP) and accelerator (TE) in each solution, the setting time will vary in a large proportion. This period can be defined with a high precision. ready press
21 Cement Resin 2 pistons: 1/1 3-component pump IP 160 AP ready
22 Gelacryl acrylic resin microfine cement Final product- Gelacryl acrylic resin + microfine cement ready
23 The End ready
Thank You for Your attention! Ph.D Civ. Eng. Tomasz Najder Senior Consultant Senior Consultant Movägen 3, SE Saltsjöbaden - Sweden Tel:Fax: Tel: 0046 (0) Fax: 0046 (0) Mobil: Mobil: 0046 (0) Org. no: – 2148 ready 24