True or False - The area of 36 football pitches is being destroyed every minute for grazing cattle, logging for timber, and firewood for cooking. - 90.


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Presentation transcript:

True or False - The area of 36 football pitches is being destroyed every minute for grazing cattle, logging for timber, and firewood for cooking million barrels of oil are used EVERY day, mostly by USA and China, we have enough oil left for 40 years if we continue this year. - The Deepwater oil spill in 2010 released 750 million litres of oil into the sea and killed 1000’s of birds and marine animals. - We have enough oil left for 400 years if we keep using it the way we are. - We get through 5 billion drinks cans every year. Each one could be recycled back into a new can, saving large amounts of energy, raw materials and waste. - On average, each person in the UK throws away their own body weight in rubbish every seven weeks.

Use an Abuse of the Environment Learning Objective: To explore different attitudes to the use/abuse of the environment. I can give examples of ways humans are using/abusing the world’s natural resources. I can explore different attitudes on how humans should use natural resources. I can respond to the exam question ‘Explain two religious beliefs about the environment.’

-The area of 36 football pitches is being lost every minute for grazing cattle, logging for timber, and firewood for cooking. -90 million barrels of oil are used EVERY day, mostly by USA and China, we have enough oil left for 40 years if we continue this year. -The Deepwater oil spill in 2010 released 750 million litres of oil into the sea and killed 1000’s of birds and marine animals. -We have enough oil left for 400 years if we keep using it the way we are. - We get through 5 billion drinks cans every year. Each one could be recycled back into a new can, saving large amounts of energy, raw materials and waste. -On average, each person in the UK throws away their own body weight in rubbish every seven weeks. True or False

Your thoughts… ‘The Earth belongs to us so we can do what we like with it.’ Do you agree?

Use and Abuse of the Environment How are humans using/abusing the environment? Pollution Impact Population Increase Impact Use of natural resources Impact

Use an Abuse of the Environment Learning Objective: To explore different attitudes to the use/abuse of the environment. I can give examples of ways humans are using/abusing the world’s natural resources. I can explore different attitudes on how humans should use natural resources. I can respond to the exam question ‘Explain two religious beliefs about the environment.’

Global Goals Summit You are here to discuss how we can help change the negative environmental impact on the world. Time to get into character! 1. Read the information on your delegate profile. 2. Fill in the bottom box – how would your delegate respond to the key question - ‘The Earth belongs to us so we can do what we like with it.’ Do you agree? 3. Move around the room and meet each other – make notes on the back of your card about the other delegates.

Mix and Mingle! When you bump into someone, take turns to ask them: What is their name? What is their job? What are their views on the environment: is the earth here for us to do what we like with it? Why?

Your thoughts… ‘The Earth belongs to us so we can do what we like with it.’ Do you agree?

Use an Abuse of the Environment Learning Objective: To explore different attitudes to the use/abuse of the environment. I can give examples of ways humans are using/abusing the world’s natural resources. I can explore different attitudes on how humans should use natural resources. I can respond to the exam question ‘Explain two religious beliefs about the environment.’

Marked Exam Question Explain two religious beliefs about the use and abuse of the environment. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. (5 marks)

Marked Exam Question Plan your answer Explain two religious beliefs about the use and abuse of the environment. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. (5 marks)

Marked Exam Question 7 Minutes!!! Explain two religious beliefs about the use and abuse of the environment. Refer to scripture or sacred writings in your answer. (5 marks)

Use an Abuse of the Environment Learning Objective: To explore different attitudes to the use/abuse of the environment. I can give examples of ways humans are using/abusing the world’s natural resources. I can explore different attitudes on how humans should use natural resources. I can respond to the exam question ‘Explain two religious beliefs about the environment.’