Unit 3 Review: China
The phrase given to synchronous Party/state administration. dual rule, or parallel institutions
Arguably the most powerful office in the PRC. General Secretary of CCP.
Identify three major social cleavages in modern China. urban / rural rich / poor young / old
In chronological order, name China’s leaders. Mao Deng Jiang Hu
China’s new, rising generation of leaders are referred to as… technocrats
Why is 1911 a critical juncture in China’s political development? Overthrow of the dynastic system; rise of the Nationalists; establishment of ROC Dr. Sun Yat-sen
I was the leader of the Guomintang and the Republic of China before being defeated by Mao’s revolutionaries. Chiang Kai-shek
Under whose prime ministerial leadership did the U.K. join the EU, while declining to adopt the Euro? John Major
Name this, one of China’s two “Special Administrative Units.” Hong Kong (Macao is the other)
Name the four components of my reform program. glasnost perestroika demokratisatsiia new thinking
Name the two most recent additions to the membership of the European Union. Bulgaria and Romania
This Chinese critical juncture invited the masses to openly criticize the Party; those who did so were then persecuted. The Hundred Flowers Campaign
House of Commons is to the U.K. as __?__ is to the Russian Federation. Duma
This political institutions meets every five years. National Party Congress
Mao’s attempt to catch up to the industrial west within 15 years. Great Leap Forward
Constitutionally, China’s highest organ of state power. National People’s Congress
The English translation of “Tiananmen.” Gate of Heavenly Peace
How many states make up today’s European Union? 27
From top to bottom, name the four tiers of China’s judicial system. Supreme People’s Court Provincial People’s Courts Regional / city People’s Courts Local mediation committees
Name given to the opposition party in Commons. shadow government or loyal opposition
Mechanism of political/social control by the state in urban areas such as the industrial east. danwei, or work unit
Identify the “Three Pillars” of the European Union. trade / economic cooperation law enforcement / human rights foreign policy / European security
What institution selects members of the Politburo? The Central Committee of the CCP
As a result of economic reform, vast numbers of rural citizens have migrated to the major urban centers of the east. These emigrants have come to be known as China’s… floating population (some 100 million)
Name this political institution. Standing Committee of the Politburo
China’s State Council is analogous to Britain’s __?__. Cabinet
Identify Deng’s Four Modernizations. industry science agriculture military
This man’s power is attributed to the fact that he holds what three positions? President of the PRC General Secretary of the CCP Chairman of the Central Military Commission
His tour of duty in Afghanistan was recently curtailed. Prince Harry
By the year 2010, how many people are expected to have AIDS? 10 million
What percentage of the Chinese population is ethnically Han (within 5%)? 92%
Name this Autonomous Region. Tibet
Name the four presidents on Mount Rushmore.
The initial precursor to the European Union was called the European Coal & Steel Community
Wanna join? OK, but you’ve got to meet these three criteria. democratic institutions stable, free-market economy acceptance of EU law
Name China’s primary currency. yuan, or renminbi
The Opium Wars and the Open Door Policy suggest that the west’s primary interest in China was economic
Name me, China’s premier / head of government. Wen Jiabao
Name this brief flirtation with free speech from Democracy Wall
In both the U.K. and the U.S., whose task is it to rally party votes in the legislature? party whips
The people in positions of authority whose primary task is to maintain the mass line. cadres
The plug was pulled on this Russian presidential wanna-be. Garry Kasparov
With 27 members, it serves as the “executive branch” for the EU. European Commission
Mao’s student forces who enforced the principles of the Cultural Revolution and were later neutralized by the PLA. Red Guards
The highest judicial body in the U.K. Law Lords / House of Lords
Name the monkey. Marcel
Deng-initiated program that brought some degree of economic independence to rural peasants. household responsibility system
Identify the two countries that rejected the EU constitution in France The Netherlands
Name me, and identify the effect I had on China’s bureaucratic establishment. Jiang Zemin slashed 50%
Identify the two elements of the EU’s “legislative branch”. European Parliament & Council of Ministers
What was the name of my market reform program? shock therapy
How many members make up this institution? 646
The European Court of Justice is comprised of __?__ judges. 27
To whom is the NEP (New Economic Program) attributed? Lenin
What political party is represented here in yellow? Liberal Democrats
How many delegates were up for grabs in yesterday’s Mississippi Democratic primary election? 33
What high-ranking state official (name AND office) just gave birth to her second child? Attorney General Lisa Madigan
What body elects the members of the Central Committee of the CCP? The National Party Congress
What’s the formal name of this country? Republic of China
China’s social welfare state has been referred to as the iron rice bowl
What country previously occupied Hong Kong, prior to the 1997 turn-over? The U.K.
What’s our respective first names? Dmitry and Vladimir
In what year did this dramatic critical juncture occur? 1989