Cocaine Lexi Petracci, Antwuan King, Jose Fernandez
Overview on Coke Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South America. It produces short- term euphoria, energy, and talkativeness in addition to potentially dangerous physical effects like raising heart rate and blood pressure. Cocaine is one of the oldest psychoactive substances. For thousands of years its leaves have been chewed or ingested. Ancient Incas would chew coca leaves to get their heart racing and to speed their breathing to counter the effects of living in thin mountain air. Peruvians chewed coca leaves only during religious ceremonies. This tradition was broken when spanish soldiers invaded in 1532.
Overview on Coke Back in the early 1900s, purified cocaine was the main active ingredient in most of the tonics and elixirs that were developed to treat illnesses. Sigmund Freud was the first to broadly promote the “benefits” of cocaine. In 1886 Coca- Cola was invented using the leaves as a main ingredient, further boosting the drug’s popularity. By the 20th century, the addictiveness of cocaine was well known and in 1914, the United States government passed the Harrisson Narcotics Tax Act making it illegal for non medical use. By 1920 it was officially banned via the Dangerous Drug Act. In the 1970s it emerged again and was the drug of choice for entertainers and businesspeople. Traditionally a rich man’s drug due to the large expense of the habit. However, by the mid 1980s with the invention on Crack it became known as America’s most dangerous and addictive drug. The crack epidemic lasted through the mid 1990s. As of 2008 cocaine is the 2nd most trafficked illegal drug in the World.
Street Names ● Coke ● Blow ● Base ● White ● Snow ● Charlie ● Nose Candy ● Sniff ● Toot
The powdered form of cocaine is either inhaled through the nose (snorted), where it is absorbed through the nasal tissue, or dissolved in water and injected into the bloodstream. Crack is a form of cocaine that has been processed to make a rock crystal, also called “freebase” that can be smoked. The crystal is heated to produce vapors that are absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs. The term “crack” refers to the crackling sound produced by the rock as it is heated. How it’s Done
The Science behind the Drug
Advantages Excitement Relaxed Better partying Self confidence Gives people a lot of energy, less need for sleep More concentrated on tasks More creative More clear-headed (all advantages that the users think)
Disadvantages Physical dependence Costly Insomnia Makes one superficial Everything speedy Paranoid feeling Aggressive Irritated Depressed Too much recuperate time after use
Cost Depending on the quality: $30-$62 per gram of cocaine $1,000-$1,400 per ounce $120-$150 per eighth an ounce (also called an 8ball)
Short-term Effects Increased heart rate Muscle spasms Convulsions Paranoia Angry Hostility Anxiety Hallucinations of bugs crawling under the skin Excitement ● Heart attack ● Stroke ● Seizure ● Possible respiratory failure ● Nausea ● Dilated pupils ● Erratic behavior ● Malnourishment ● Sleep deprivation ● Euphoric feeling
Long-term effects High blood pressure Heart attacks Stroke Liver damage Kidney damage Lung damage Damage of blood vessels to brain and heart Respiratory failure Intense craving for drug Tolerance Malnutrition Nose tissue damage Delirium Depression Reproductive issues HIV Hepatitis C Death
Dependence The drug gives a euphoric feeling to its users, but the high does not last very long. Due to the short amount of time for the high people become more and more dependent on the drug because they crave that feeling again.
Abuse and Addiction Symptoms: Agitation Changes in focus Hyperactivity Nosebleeds Effusive enthusiasm Signs of involuntary movements
Estimated Prevalence of Cocaine and Crack Use in the US, 2014, by Demographic Characteristics Numbers in Thousands Demographic CharacteristicCocaine (Total)Crack Lifetime Past Year Past MonthLifetime Past Year Past Month Total39,2004,5531,5309, Age ,8811, or Older35,0972,7821,0188, Gender Male23,9172, , Female15,2831, , Latino/Hispanic Origin and Race Not Hispanic or Latino34,4103,7351,2498, White29,6172, , Black or African-American3, , American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander ** Asian Two or More Races * Hispanic or Latino4,
Groups Most Likely To Use:
Interesting Facts: Approximately 35.9 million Americans aged 12 and older have tried cocaine at least once in their lifetime 2.1 million Americans are regular cocaine users Coca-cola used to contain small a amount of cocaine and wasn’t completely cocaine free until 1929! Highest rates of cocaine use are in ages % of US bills carry traces of cocaine More than 100,000 babies born addicted to cocaine in the US annually Today, about 2,500 Americans try cocaine for the first time
Treatment: Pharmacological : no FDA approved medications but some anti depressants may be used to lessen the withdrawal. Behavioral: Inpatient cocaine rehab Outpatient cocaine rehab Cognitive Therapy: Helps the user prevent relapse
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