Topic Selection Choosing Your Topic u Topics can come from…Subjects you already know u Subjects you’re interested in u Issues about which you hold strong beliefs and opinions u Several brainstorming techniques u Settle on a topic as soon as possible
Determine General Purpose u Informative, speakers act as teachers u Persuade, speakers act as advocates
Formulate a Thesis u Should indicate what the speaker wants the audience to know or believe after the speech u 5 Tips –Full sentence –Statement - not a question –Avoid figurative language –Should NOT contain 2 or more unrelated ideas –Should NOT be too vague or general
Preview Refines and Sharpens the Thesis u Concise statement of what the speaker expects to say in the speech u Encapsulates main points u May be written later in the speech process u 4 Criteria –Full sentence –Not a question –Avoid figurative language –Shouldn’t be to vague or general