I can recall and apply all of Miss Johnson’s classroom rules, policies, and procedures.
Classroom Rules
Rule #1
Rule #2
Rule #3
Rule #4
Rule #5 *** Only exception is if you have a medical note in the office.
Rule #6
Rule #7
1 st offense: verbal warning 2 nd offense: verbal warning and phone call or to parents 3 rd offense: principal’s office (All offenses will be documented in the discipline log, and you may receive a behavior report.)
Enter the classroom quietly. Grab your assigned calculator and return to your seat. Write down tonight’s homework. Begin Bellwork (see board for bellwork assignment).
On your third tardy and every tardy after that, you will receive a discipline referral to the principal. - You must be in your seat - Last night’s homework out - Tonight’s homework written down - Begin bellwork
Bell work will usually consist of several problems on skills that we have previously learned. The first member of your team to arrive to class needs to retrieve the bell work card for the assigned envelope on the bulletin board.
When I want your attention: I will say, “These hands are made for...” You will reply, “Excellence.” Visitors: From time to time, other adults will be coming into our classroom to observe me as a teacher and you as students. There will also be times when I may have to stop for a second to answer another adult’s question. In cases like these, it is very important for you to be very quiet and respectful.
Pencils should be sharpened before we start class. Paper should be thrown away as you leave the classroom. PLEASE DON’T!! (Unless you are the resource manager or if you’re retrieving the team’s bell work.) MODEL STUDENT
Work must be shown to get credit. Homework will count as a participation grade. This means that if you tried it and I see your work, and it makes sense, then you will get credit for it even if an answer is incorrect. However, random numbers written on the paper with no work shown will result in no credit. Submit through Edmodo, unless there is a technical issue; in which, you must show the timestamp of the photo taken in the attempt to submit it to Edmodo. It is due by 8:25 on Edmodo, and all answers must be highlighted.
You will need to check the make up folder for any missing assignments. It is your responsibility to complete and submit any missing assignments. The pacing guides are posted on my website; therefore, it is possible to view any material you may have missed with the exceptions of the interactive notebook, quizzes, and tests. Tests will need to be made up during tutoring.
When entering the classroom, grab the calculator that matches your seat number and return to your seat. - You may never use any other calculator except your assigned one. - If your calculator is not in the bin, notify me immediately. Do not grab another one. - Every calculator must be accounted for before you can leave my classroom. - Any physical abuse will result in you not being allowed to use it anymore. - I will inform you when you are to put back your calculator. Don’t just get up on your own to do it when you think you are finished. Wait for my instruction to do this! - Sorry, but you will be immediately tracked down by the office if your calculator comes up missing.
- I dismiss you, not the bell. - Everyone must be silent. - The classroom must be clean.
Tests will be taken quietly and independently. Any disruption of any kind during the test will result in 20 points off per incident. Cheating will result in a 0. Please do not ask me for any help working the problems on your test. When you finish your test, quietly and without disrupting others place your test in the test bin and return your calculator. You will complete the after test task, usually defining vocabulary or completing a puzzle.
I will not grade a test or any assignment without a name on it.
If I cannot read your handwriting, I will require you to redo an assignment.
Students are not to touch anything in the cabinets or teacher work areas unless given permission from me.
If an athlete acts out in class, I will notify the coach.
If you are caught writing or passing notes they will be taken up and every “juicy” word will be read by me.