Reading Day 1
Street Rhymes! I’ll barter my truck for Anthony’s bat. Then I’ll trade the bat for a purple hat. Now what do you think of that?
Read Aloud The Story of Money expensive barter peddler worthless
Build Oral Vocabulary
Expensive In “The Story of Money,” we learn that people traded shells to buy expensive things. Something that is expensive costs a lot of money. What are some expensive things? What is an antonym for the word expensive? Notice, the word expensive has three syllables: ex/pen/sive; let’s clap the syllables.
Barter To barter means to trade one thing for another. Sentence: The students like to barter their lunches. Let’s barter: I’ll trade you my ___________ for your ____________. Notice the word barter follows the VCCV pattern.
Peddler Someone who goes from place to place selling things, is a peddler. Sentence: The peddler traveled the country selling dictionaries. What are some things a peddler might sell? Look at the word peddler; ped/dler The –er at the end of the word is a suffix meaning, “someone who does something.”
Worthless Something that has little or no value is worthless. Sentence: The baseball card is worthless because it is ripped. Which of these things are worthless? $100 dollar bill Bottle cap Broken glass Diamond ring The suffix –less means “without.” So the word literally means, without worth.
Phonics Plurals -s, -es, -ies
What do you know about making words plural? You can already read words like “bat” and “term.” Let’s make these words plural by adding –s. bats terms Some words become plural by adding –es. Words like “beach” and “inch” become “beaches” and “inches.” Other words end in –y, like “mommy”. For these words, you will drop the –y and add –ies, “mommies.”
Let’s Practice Change these words from singular nouns to plural nouns. family ___________ body ____________ glass ___________ copy ____________ wish ___________ pencil ____________ pocket ___________ bunch ____________ Hint: When you see a word with a plural ending, but aren’t sure how to pronounce the word – cover the ending and try again.
Turn to pages 58 and 59 in your Reading books. Let’s practice together. When we finish we can complete page 51 in our Reading Workbooks.
Decodable Reader Frog’s, Flies, and Foxes Decodable Reader Video
Turn to pages 60 and 61 in your Reading books. We are going to read “Chores” together. As we read, we will list the story’s events in sequence. Sequencing events and summarizing can help us to remember and understand what we have read.
Sequence First Next Then Last
Practice Let’s complete page 52 in our Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook.
Homework For tonight’s homework, you will practice your spelling words by completing worksheet page 11. Also, study your vocabulary words!
Reading Day 2
Selection Vocabulary carpenter someone who builds with wood carpetmaker knowledge marketplace merchant plenty straying rug weaver understanding shopping area shopkeeper much wandering threadstring
Build Oral Vocabulary
Wilt In the story, when the boy was barked at by the carpetmaker, he probably felt like wilting. To wilt is to feel weak and less sure of oneself; to droop Did the boy in the story wilt or keep going? Why? What happens to an unwatered flower? Was there ever a time when you felt like wilting?
Lovely The roses are lovely. Something that is lovely is very pretty. What are some things that you think are lovely? Notice the word lovely, is the word love with the suffix –ly added.
Phonics Plurals -s, -es, -ies
Plurals -s-es-ies pocket pencil inch bunch penny family dish chair candy drill cherry tax
Practice Now let’s complete page 56 in your Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook, together.
What About Me? Turn to page 64 in your Reading books. Let’s read the story “What About Me?” together.
Practice Now let’s practice identifying the “theme” of a story. Let’s complete worksheet 15 together.
Reading Day 3
Phonics Plurals -s, -es, -ies
Create plural forms for the following words. penny ___________ plant ____________ crash ___________ inch ____________ pencil ___________ glass ____________ pocket ___________ wish ____________
Create singular forms for the following plural words. lists ___________ crashes ____________ beans ___________ parties ____________ cities ___________ supplies ____________ bosses ___________ libraries ____________
Paragraph Writing Topic sentence Three supporting details Concluding sentence
How did the merchant‘s daughter influence the end of the story? Use details from the story to support your answer. _______________________________________
Homework Tonight for homework complete worksheet 14. This worksheet will help you to review “sequence” for tomorrow’s test.
Reading Day 4 (Friday)
Week 2 Test Today’s test is made up of 4 parts: Part 1 – Vocabulary Part 2 – Phonics Part 3 – Comprehension/Sequencing Part 4 – Writing There will also be a bonus packet available for extra credit, and a “sweet” prize!