Word EndingRULEExamples s, ss, x, z, zz, sh, chAdd -esbus-buses mass-masses fox-foxes “O” preceded by a consonant Add -estomato- tomatoes EXCEPTIONS: Solo-solos (and other musical terms) “O” precede by a vowelAdd -sRadio-radios
Word EndingRULEExamples y- preceded by a consonant Change y to i and add –es party- parties discovery- discoveries y – preceded by a vowel Add –sday- days monkey- monkeys ffAdd – sbluff- bluffs staff- staffs feChange f to v and add –es knife- knives wife- wives FAdd –s OR change f to v and add –es chief- chiefs calf- calves leaf- leaves
IRREGULARS child-children, mouse-mice, tooth-teeth, deer- deer, ox-oxen, man-men, sheep-sheep, crisis- crises, datum-data, syllabi-syllabus ***When a compound- add the –s to the word that is plural. 1.mother-in-law = mothers-in-law 2.worksheet = worksheets
Practice Makes Perfect Directions: Make the nouns plural An apple____________ This bush_____________ This turkey____________ One baby______________ That democracy____________ Any solo__________________ A beach__________________ A single domino________________