APPR 2.0 (based on CR 3012-d)
NSCSD Goals The NSCSD District Goals Can be evidenced in planning, classroom instruction, assessment and teacher’s reflective practice. The Teacher Practice Rubric indicators are woven together in that, when one incorporates best practices and research based instruction in planning or teaching, evidence can be gathered and used in multiple ways.
Everyday….In Every Classroom NSCSD High Leverage Themes Student Engagement Questioning Techniques Differentiation Synthesis/Critical Thinking/Problem Solving and Collaboration Formative Assessment and Feedback Technology Integration
APPR Cycle Plan Do Study Act The cycle begins with the Plan step. This involves identifying a goal or purpose, formulating a theory, defining success metrics and putting a plan into action. These activities are followed by the Do step, in which the components of the plan are implemented, such as making a product. Next comes the Study step, where outcomes are monitored to test the validity of the plan for signs of progress and success, or problems and areas for improvement. The Act step closes the cycle, integrating the learning generated by the entire process, which can be used to adjust the goal, change methods or even reformulate a theory altogether. These four steps are repeated over and over as part of a never-ending cycle of continual improvement. ~Dr. W. Edwards Deming
Composite Rating Observation 2014 NYSUT Teacher Practice Rubric The average of 2 unannounced observations* ( Unannounced observations will be no less than 40 minutes, NSEA Contract ) : ✓ 50% Assigned Evaluator Score ranges: Highly Effective3.5 – 4.0 Effective2.5 – 3.49 Developing1.5 – 2.49 Ineffective 0 – 1.49 Generates HEDI Level (H, E, D, I) *Pending approval by NYSED of a hardship waiver to eliminate the use of an independent evaluator. Our NSCSD plan is to assign one evaluator per teacher. Each observation is equally weighted and ratings will come from the same evaluator.
Composite Rating Student Performance District-wide measure Target: 75% of students will score at least 65 on the following assessments: Sci 4, Sci 8, CC Algebra 1, CC ELA, Global History, US History and Living Environment Regents. Score ranges: Generates HEDI Level (H, E, D, I) SLO Summary: 1.If you have more than 50% of your caseload ending in either Regents exam or NYS Science 8 you must develop an SLO. 2.If the above does not pertain to you, you will use (and be scored on) the district wide measure from above. The SLO will be developed for you. 3.Special Education teachers in a self-contained classrooms are unique. They will continue to work with their administrator around SLO needs. Highly Effective 90 – 100%18 – 20 Effective75 – 89%15 – 17 Developing60 – 74%13 – 14 Ineffective0 – 59%0 – 12
An Observation Example: 1. Component #1 – Unannounced Observation #1 (50%) Average rubric score is Component #2 – Unannounced Observation #2 (50%) Average rubric score is 3.6 Weighted Average Calculation: 3.0 *.50 = *.50 = 1.8 Sum total: 3.3 = Effective (within range of 2.5 – 3.49)
A Student Performance Example: Example: Based on the results using the June 2017 Algebra I Regents 80% of students on teacher’s roster scored at least a 65 These results fall in the range of effective ( %) Teacher receives a rating of EFFECTIVE for student performance.
A Student Performance Example: Example 2: Based on the results using the June 2017 Global History Regents 72% of students on teacher’s roster scored at least a 65 These results fall in the range of developing ( %) Teacher receives a rating of DEVELOPING for student performance.
Components of Observation Score Component #1Component #2 Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7Standards 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Scored Forms: ∙Standards 1 & 2 form (Initial plan submitted on or by Oct 3, Final revisions submitted by May 1, 2017) ∙Unannounced observation #1 ∙Evidence of Student learning (formerly lesson reflection) Scored Forms: ∙PLP (Initial plan submitted on or by Oct 3, Final revisions submitted by May 1, 2017) ∙Unannounced observation #2 ∙Evidence of Student learning (formerly lesson reflection) ∙Professional Responsibilities and Growth (submitted by May 1, 2017) Meetings: ∙PLP conference (optional – prior to 10/3) ∙Post Conference Meetings: ∙Post Conference ∙Culminating Conversation (prior to June 21, 2017) 50% of the overall score
NSCSD APPR Timeline ❑ September 28, 2016 – district half day for APPR & SLO work ❑ By October 3, 2016 – Teacher submits PLP Goal and Standards 1 & 2 form ❑ Unannounced Observation #1 with assigned Evaluator before end of 20 weeks ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #1 ❑ Unannounced Observation #2 with assigned Evaluator ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #2 ❑ By May 1, 2017 – Submit Professional Responsibilities & Growth Form (6.2B, 6.2C, 6.3A, 7.1B, 7.2B, 7.3B) ❑ By June 21, Culminating Conversation with assigned Evaluator
Professional Learning Plan (PLP) Professional Learning Plan written as a SMART goal (Initial plan submitted on or by Oct 3, Final revisions submitted by May 1, 2017) (VII.2A, VII.1B). PLP goal may be discussed and updated after unannounced observations.
NSCSD APPR Timeline ❑ September 28, 2016 – district half day for APPR & SLO work ❑ By October 3, 2016 – Teacher submits PLP Goal and Standards 1 & 2 Form ❑ Unannounced Observation #1 with assigned Evaluator before end of 20 weeks ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A ) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #1 ❑ Unannounced Observation #2 with assigned Evaluator ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #2 ❑ By May 1, 2017 – Submit Professional Responsibilities & Growth Form (6.2B, 6.2C, 6.3A, 7.1B, 7.2B, 7.3B) ❑ By June 21, Culminating Conversation with assigned Evaluator
Standards 1 and 2 Form Teacher will provide baseline evidence of Standards 1 & 2 which are grouped by the District’s High Leverage Themes. This form is due by October 3, 2016 and may be updated following each unannounced observation. Student Engagement (II.1A, II.4B, II.5B, II.6A) Differentiation (I.1A, I.3A, I.4A, I.5B, II.2A, II.3A, II.5A, II.6B) Synthesis/Critical thinking/Problem Solving and Collaboration (I.6A, II.2B) Formative Assessment and Feedback (V.2A)
NSCSD APPR Timeline ❑ September 28, 2016 – district half day for APPR & SLO work ❑ By October 3, 2016 – Teacher submits PLP Goal and Standards 1 & 2 Form ❑ Unannounced Observation #1 with assigned Evaluator before end of 20 weeks ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #1 ❑ Unannounced Observation #2 with assigned Evaluator ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #2 ❑ By May 1, 2017 – Submit Professional Responsibilities & Growth Form (6.2B, 6.2C, 6.3A, 7.1B, 7.2B, 7.3B) ❑ By June 21, Culminating Conversation with assigned Evaluator
Unannounced Observations Evidence will be collected by the assigned evaluator on the NSCSD High Leverage themes. Unannounced observations are at least 40 minutes in length or the duration of the class period. Student Engagement (III.1A, III.2D, III.1B, III.2A, III.2B, III.3A, IV.1C, IV.2A, IV.2B, IV.3A, IV.3B) Questioning Techniques (III.2B, III.2C) Differentiation (III.4A, III.4B, IV.1A, IV.1C, IV.4B) Synthesis/Critical thinking/Problem Solving and Collaboration (III.5A, III.3B) Formative Assessment and Feedback (III.6A, III.6B, V.2B)
NSCSD APPR Timeline ❑ September 28, 2016 – district half day for APPR & SLO work ❑ By October 3, 2016 – Teacher submits PLP Goal and Standards 1 & 2 Form ❑ Unannounced Observation #1 with assigned Evaluator before end of 20 weeks ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #1 ❑ Unannounced Observation #2 with assigned Evaluator ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #2 ❑ By May 1, 2017 – Submit Professional Responsibilities & Growth Form (6.2B, 6.2C, 6.3A, 7.1B, 7.2B, 7.3B) ❑ By June 21, Culminating Conversation with assigned Evaluator
Evidence of Student Learning “Evidence of student learning” (formerly the Lesson Reflection form) will be submitted by the teacher after each unannounced observation. Teacher will provide evidence of the following indicators: V.1A, V.2A, VII.1A
NSCSD APPR Timeline ❑ September 28, 2016 – district half day for APPR & SLO work ❑ By October 3, 2016 – Teacher submits PLP Goal and Standards 1 & 2 Form ❑ Unannounced Observation #1 with assigned Evaluator before end of 20 weeks ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #1 ❑ Unannounced Observation #2 with assigned Evaluator ❑ Teacher submits Evidence of Student Learning (indicators 7.1A, 5.1A, 5.2A) ❑ Ratings - Observers may rate (score) the collected evidence prior to the post conference. These ratings will be provided to the unit member during the post conference or within 5 days after the post conference. ❑ Post-Conference #2 ❑ By May 1, 2017 – Submit Professional Responsibilities & Growth Form (6.2B, 6.2C, 6.3A, 7.1B, 7.2B, 7.3B) ❑ By June 21, Culminating Conversation with assigned Evaluator
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