Muon identification in ATLAS Peter Kluit (NIKHEF)
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 2 December 2006 Muon performance group between Physics and Detectors Muon system (D.Levin) Inner detector (PK) Calorimeter Muon identification Muon system standalone Muon system & ID track Calorimeter & ID track Commissioning and cosmics
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 3 December 2006 Areas of activity Combined muon algorithms Performance (and criteria) CSC notes Documentation Twiki [D. Levin] Software manager [D. Adams] Alignment muon system and inner detector [new group] Data quality/ monitoring ‘data preparation’ [convenor(s)?]
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 4 December 2006 Overview muon identification I Muon system standalone “as tracker” (available) standalone Muon system Moore (C++) and Muonboy (F90 core) Development of modular C++ code II Combined muon identification using Muon System muon identification by extrapolating ID track and matching to muon segments: Mutag Combining covariance matrix ID track and Muon track: STACO Refitting ID track and Muon track: MuID Starting muon pattern recognition from track: MuGirl Developments modular code III Combined muon id with calorimeter deposits and ID track: CaloTrkMuID [Gustavo Ordonnez]
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 5 December 2006 CSC notes computer system commissioning and CDC calibration data challenge I Muon track reconstruction algorithms and performance Basic write up of algorithms and performance II In Situ Determination of the Performance of the Muon Spectrometer Miscalibrated, misaligned and deformed detector Measurement of efficiciencies and purities with Z data III Muons in calorimetry Energy loss corrections and Muon Id IV Muon Trigger Performance Level 1, 2 and event filter NB: NIKHEF involvement in I,II and III
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 6 December 2006 Common tracking Mostly developed in the Inner Detector Used in “new tracking” Highly modular code replaces IPatRec/XKalman Tracking event data model Common tracking classes Common geometrical description Set of common tracking tools: Extrapolators Kalman fitters, chi2 fitters etc [Thijs’ talk] Material description Common track truth association Important for Muon Combined Performance Common language
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 7 December 2006 Muon event data model I Muon system EDM proposed and discussed 2005 Cetraro Modular approach to pattern recognition Object flow schematically [can access lower level info]: Bytestream -> PrepRawData -> Patterns -> Segments -> Combined Segments -> Tracks Input PrepRawData: MDT, RPC, TGC and CSC ‘Hit’ identifier, driftcircle or strip ‘cluster’ (combination of hits) Output in Tracking EDM: Segments: 3D position and direction (straight line) with associated hits and clusters Tracks: 3D position, direction and momentum & error matrix with associated hits and clusters Segment and Track containers on ESD/AOD: Segments input to calibration and alignment
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 8 December 2006 Status EDM Migration & modularity Muonboy: uses PrepRawData as input and produces at output level EDM Segments and Tracks Tracks cannot be refitted due absence of CSC RIOs Made material service of Muonboy available for fitters Mutag/STACO: uses EDM segments and tracks as input Study the use standard extrapolation tools NB Mutag uses straight line matching to the Inner MDT Stations plus in the transition region Middle Station Moore: only migrated to PrepRawdata and EDM segments now [12.0.4]; EDM Tracks Moore is modular: not fully exploiting the Muon EDM internally Back conversion to Moore EDM to do track finding and fitting with IpatRec MuID was a full refit using IPatRec produced EDM track Now problem to refit Inner detector track: IPatRec not EDM migrated Partial refit: EDM ID track is one point added to Muon Track and refitted
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 9 December 2006 New developments MuGirl Starting muon pattern recognition from track [S. Tarem et al.] Uses Muon Modular EDM e.g. U SegmentMakers CSC clustering and segmentmaker [D. Adams] Clustering of hits (th)eta/phi Segmentmaker in 2D and 4D: theta and phi direction Used in migrated Moore, Mugirl(?) and in future in Muonboy NB exists also a CSC segmentmaker Hough [D. Primor] Material and geometry description of Muon System [S. Todorova] Compact geometry for fitting Material on the track Holes on Track functionality for Muon System Description of Calorimeter [A. Salzburger] Simplified geometry Material and energy loss for track fitters Calorimeter muon identification [G. Ordonnez, NIKHEF Nijmegen ] Uses EDM Track extrapolators and Calorimeter description NIKHEF contributions [see next pages]
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 10 December 2006 NIKHEF contributions Simulation MDT digitisation [N. van Eldik] Twin tube response [A. Koutsman] Calibration Software Design and implementation calibration EDM [NvE] Calibration Ntuple [Z. van Kesteren] Pattern recognition Infrastructure for pattern recognition [NvE] Cosmics pattern finding [J. Snuverink] No efficient/dedicated pattern recognition for cosmics existed Curved pattern finding [JS] Reconstructing low momentum muons Simplified geometry MDT SegmentMaker [NvE] Can be steered from patterns/roads Currently best algorithm on the market [Muonboy, Moore, MDTHough] Algorithm performance [P. Kluit] Track finding and fitting Global chi2 fitter [T.Cornelissen]
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 11 December 2006 Cosmic with Toroid on
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 12 December 2006 NIKHEF involvement & plans More Modular Moore [JS] Integrate cosmics pattern recognition in Moore Chain patterns -> Segments -> Moore track finder and fitter Muon Tag [ZvK] Start from ID track; extrapolate to muon segments and identify muon Fully based on EDM tools Tool for storing segments on AOD Full Inner detector – Muon refit [M. Limper] Fully based on EDM tools: go back to the hits: Challenging! Near future: Prototype for Muon standalone reconstruction by release 13 [JS,NvE,PK,PE,TC] Track finding based on segments [MDT and CSC] Track fit including Muonboy material Use EMD tools for holes on track Overall policy Collaborate closely with Moore group Modules under MoMu; Programme name Moore Put in gradually the most performant modules: make Moore better Adiabatic change for Moore Not easy Trig_Moore group
NIPHAD Peter Kluit 13 December 2006 For physics users AOD content Standalone Muon system: Moore Muonboy Combined muon identification: MuID STACO Muon tagging: Mutag MuGirl Calorimeter E loss CaloTrkMuId Muon Shower object Segments associated to tracks [to come] Muon Trigger information from level 1, 2 and event filter NB: muons are used in Missing Et calculation