Minimum Contract Level Key issues on management information Online seminar – July 2011 Carolyn Medlin, LSIS Adviser Stephen Howard, Learning Plus Richard Mole, Skills Funding Agency
Outcome You will be aware of the key management information issues including financial management
Key principles Ensuring data (evidence) is up-to-date, accurate, shared and monitored frequently using robust MIS software Using low-level data to monitor and improve provision for learners Using high-level data to arrive at judgements (self assessment report)
Who does what? Lead contractor Set out procedures for managing and submitting funding claims and making payments Collate partner export files and submit to the Skills Funding Agency Report monthly MIS to strategic group Agree final claim and contract outturn performance Partner Deliver a business plan annually, including financial projections Provide a named contact for liaison/follow up; register with MIAP (Unique Learning Number) and input learner data Generate reports for lead contractor; monitor KPIs and take actions to keep on track/improve Ensure accurate data, discuss contract variations
Financial arrangements to consider Programme(s) to be delivered - this could be a table to include learner numbers, dates, and accreditation Compliance with Skills Funding Agency or other funding organisation(s) requirements Payment details - who pays for what; the fee/price rates; payment dates What audit or monitoring requirements trigger payments; payments related to achievement rates (timely or otherwise) Invoicing requirements; details to include on invoices including reference numbers, company details and tax details Payment of invoices Payment terms – for example, within x days of receipt of properly prepared invoice Audit requirements/agreement What all parties agree to disclose and make available for audit and to ensure that the terms of the agreement are carried out Both parties must comply with Skills Funding Agency Funding and Audit GuidanceFunding and Audit Guidance
Over to Stephen, Learning Plus Your experiences
Working with the Working with the Third Sector in Devon and Cornwall
Learning + is a Further Education provider working with the Third Sector in Devon and Cornwall, through sub-contracting relationships. Learning + is a Further Education provider working with the Third Sector in Devon and Cornwall, through sub-contracting relationships. For those who may not know!
Provide direct training to learners; our sub –contractors are the training providers. (CPD training to our membership) Provide direct training to learners; our sub –contractors are the training providers. (CPD training to our membership) We do not
We provide for our members: MIS support for the administration and processing enrolments and returns. Assistance to the Member in ensuring that enrolments and learning agreements meet Funders requirements. Ensure that all financial implications of enrolment and delivery are complied with.
Relevant monthly information to include, actual and target figures, registrations start dates and end dates, MLP and a variety of reports which look at a range of reporting issues. Contract compliance reviews where performance and Q&A issues are inspected.
The Contract The “Devil is in the Detail” The Provider Must be fit for purpose. Not ambiguous. Responsibility for compliance. The Partner Risk reward balance. Capacity to deliver.
MIS Reporting The Provider Enrolments, Retention, Achievements. Contractual spend. Supplementary reporting on race, gender, age, sex, disability etc etc. The Partner Scrutinise reports. Act on information
Financial Arrangements The Provider The responsibility for “Due Diligence” lies with the Provider. The Provider must also ensure that public money is being spent wisely. 90% support / 10% enforcers. The Partner Transparency. Except that the Provider has overall responsibility and may have to take action that they do not like!!
Constant challenges for L+ Ensuring that due diligence is equitable and intensive to ensure the requirements of the Skills Funding Agency are met, yet not to be over disruptive and restrictive for some of our smaller partners. The role of the “enforcer”. Ensuring that the detail within current contracts are fit for purpose.
Recommendations The Provider processes and produces all MIS requirements for the sub- contracting arrangements. The Partner should be allowed to focus of delivery (hopefully what they do well) therefore the pressure of paperwork and reporting etc should be kept to a minimum.
Stephen Howard
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