Community Governance Consensus Based Governance RECOMMENDATIONS
“DRAFT” Community Governance Submit governance suggestions to a volunteer subgroup Subgroup to prepare written procedures Submit for approval to the whole community via by Feb 2008 Approval requires at least 2/3 of community members
How do you become a Member? Complete application Submit to Chairs Chairs’ approval based on: Complete information Relevant profession / experience Chemical contaminants method needed Acceptance via Member data maintained by Chairs Member data available to other members Member data provided to AOAC Board of Directors annually
What are the duties of a Member? Accept voluntary consensus standards Follow AOAC policies & standards Actively participate Be open, transparent and truthful Consider all opinions Respond to communications Accept and complete assignments Abide by consensus-based decisions Stay on track and within mission Work with AOAC-appointed method experts Work with AOAC staff
How are Stakeholder Subgroups formed? Initially, Chairs will appoint Subgroups for known areas of interest. Subgroups will continue based on annual approval of ½+ of Community voting members
How are Stakeholder Subgroups formed? Chairs notified of a method need (survey, AOAC…) Method = Chemical Contaminant in Food Multiple stakeholders have similar needs 3+ stakeholder groups will support a method Fiscal and/or analytical support possible Chairs ask stakeholders to present proposal Stakeholders introduce topic to voting members Accepted by 1/2+ of Community voting members Chairs notify AOAC & stakeholders via
How are Subgroup Chairs appointed? Community Chairs appoint 1st Subgroup Chair Must be a Community & AOAC member Must be a Subgroup stakeholder Subgroup Chair recommends Subgroup Members Community Chairs approve Subgroup Members Subgroup members may recommend AOAC member as Subgroup Chair (2/3+ vote) Community Chairs approve new Subgroup Chair Chairs notify Community & AOAC of change
How to be a member of a Subgroup? Be a Community member Be a Stakeholder in Subgroup Topic Area Provide balance of background (international, industry, government, academia…) Submit request to Subgroup Chair Be recommended by Subgroup Chair Be accepted by Community Chairs Actively participate in the work of the Subgroup
Duties & responsibilities of Subgroups? Follow voluntary consensus standards Establish working structure Establish governance Identify and work with stakeholder sponsors Form balanced international group of industry, government, academia Recommend two Voting Members to Community
Duties & responsibilities of Subgroups? Prioritize most needed methods Define method performance criteria Call for methods Recommend method actions to Community Recommend method “experts” to AOAC Work with AOAC-appointed “experts” Develop & recommend validation protocols Member with vested interest recluse self Accept decisions of AOAC “experts”
How do Subgroups make decisions? Participate in discussions, studies, surveys… Share data, minutes, reports, etc with all subgroup members Try to achieve consensus Propose modifications, additions, compromises… Vote in-person, , written ballot… 100% approval preferred 2/3 minimum to approve Publish results on AOAC website
Who are Voting Members? Chairs of Community Two members from each Subgroup (recommended by Subgroup; approved by Chairs) 6 – 12 At-Large members of Community recommended by Chairs approved by 2/3 vote of Community May not out number subgroup voting members
What decisions are made by Voting Members? Community governance procedures Establishment of Subgroups Approve/disapprove recommendations of the Subgroups Approve/disapprove method protocols to AOAC OMB
How does Community make decisions? Receives recommendations as written or verbal reports Provides opportunity for comment from all community members Openly shares all communications Attempts to reach consensus Recommendations based on at least 2/3 approval of voting members