2-Way Random Effects ANOVA Gage Repeatability and Repeatability Experiment for Measuring Drill Holes in Wood Parts Source: M-H. C. Li and A. Al-Refaie (2008). “Improving Wooden Parts’ Quality by Adopting DMAIC Procedure,” Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 24, pp
Data Description Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility Experiment Response: Measured Diameter of Drill Hole (mm/10) Factors: A: Drill Hole (Random Factor, a = 10 Levels) B: Measurer (Random Factor, b = 3 Levels) Replications (3 replicates per Measurer/Hole, in random order)
Statistical Model
Expected Mean Squares - I
Expected Mean Squares - II
Expected Mean Squares - III
Estimating and Testing Variance Components
Experimental Model/Results
Tests and Confidence Intervals