Baseball Math
Jim has pitched the ball to Carl. Carl swings. STRIKE ONE! TG-2-1
The catcher catches the pitch. TG-2-1
Sam, the star player, is on first base and takes off for second! TG-2-1
How far must the catcher throw the ball to get Sam out at second? TG-2-1
Okay Coach, Find your Team. We have a job to do!
Choose a name and a captain for your team. CREATE A BASEBALL DIAMOND using the colored tape and your measurement tool. Sketch your field, including dimensions, on chart paper. Measure to find out how far YOUR catcher will have to throw the ball to reach second base. Determine how far the catcher would have to throw the ball on a major league field.
Measure BLUEGREENYELLOWRED Home to 1 st 1 st to 2 nd 2 nd to 3 rd 3 rd to Home Measure of Angles Home to 2 nd
Home to 1st Base 1st Base to 2 nd Base Home to 2 nd Base Blue Green Yellow Red
The distance between the bases on a major league field is 90 feet. TG-2-1
Pythagorean Theorem If a and b are the lengths of the legs of a right triangle and c is the length of the hypotenuse, then a 2 + b 2 = c 2. TB-5-5 c b a
Using the Pythagorean Theorem Using the measurements you found in your baseball diamond check the distance from home plate to second base using the Pythagorean Theorem. What is the actual distance from home plate to second base?
Questions in the Ballpark Base Hit: What type of quadrilateral is formed by the baseball diamond? What type of quadrilateral is formed by the baseball diamond? What type of angles are formed by the intersection of the base lines? What type of angles are formed by the intersection of the base lines?
Double: How far would you have to run if you hit a homerun? How far would you have to run if you hit a homerun? What is the area of the infield on your sketch? What is the area of the infield on your sketch? The line from home plate to second base bisects the angle at home. How many degrees are in each part of the bisected angle? The line from home plate to second base bisects the angle at home. How many degrees are in each part of the bisected angle?
Triple: What is the distance from home plate to second base? What is the distance from home plate to second base? A softball field has base lengths of 60 feet. What is the distance from home plate to second base on the softball field? A softball field has base lengths of 60 feet. What is the distance from home plate to second base on the softball field?
HOMERUN There are runners on first, second and third with no outs. The ball is hit to the short stop positioned on the baseline halfway between second base and third base. To prevent a run from scoring the play is at home plate. Assuming the ball is hit directly to the short stop, how far must he throw the ball to get the player out at home?
Course of Study Objectives Sixth Grade #4 Seventh Grade #8,11 Eighth Grade # 7