2015 Test Results
#71 The batter will be declared out when: A. An attempt to bunt on the second strike is foul. B. The third-base coach interferes with the third baseman attempting to catch a foul fly ball. C. With two outs and a runner on first base, the missed swinging third strike is not caught. D. A, B and C.
#71 – “B” 7-4-1f A batter is also out as in above penalty or when: f. any member of the offensive team or coach other than the runner(s) interferes with a fielder who is attempting to field a foul fly ball;
#21 To "intentionally" give a batter a base on balls: A. The pitcher must throw four pitches out of the strike zone. B. The catcher or coach must request to award the batter first before the first pitch to the batter. C. The catcher or coach must request to award the batter first base on any ball and strike count. D. Both B and C.
#21 – “C” 2-4-3 An intentional base on balls may be given by the defensive team by having its catcher or coach request the umpire to award the batter first base. This may be done before pitching to the batter or on any ball and strike count. The ball shall be declared dead before making the award.
#4 A bat that has been altered or defaces a ball is an illegal bat. True or False?
#4 – False 1-3-5 Bats that are altered from the manufacturer's original design and production, or that do not meet the rule specifications, are illegal (see 7-4-1a). No artificial or intentional means shall be used to control the temperature of the bat. No foreign substance may be inserted into the bat. Bats that are broken, cracked or dented or that deface the ball, i.e., tear the ball, shall be removed without penalty. A bat that continually discolors the ball may be removed from the game with no penalty at the discretion of the umpire.
#17 – 86% Correct If a batter crouches or leans over to make the shoulder line lower, the umpire shall adjust the strike zone accordingly. True or False?
#17 – False 2-35 The strike zone is that space over home plate, the top of which is halfway between the batter's shoulders and the waistline, and the bottom being the knees, when he assumes his natural batting stance. The height of the strike zone is determined by the batter's normal batting stance. If he crouches or leans over to make the shoulder line lower, the umpire determines height by what would be the batter's normal stance.
#62 – 87% Correct The pitcher has the right to throw or feint to a base the same as that of any other infielder when: A. His non-pivot foot is on the ground behind the pitcher's plate. B. Both of his feet are on the ground behind the pitcher's plate. C. His pivot foot is on the ground clearly behind the pitcher's plate. D. He steps off the pitcher's plate in any direction or with either or both feet.
#62 – C 6-1-3 Please check your Rules Book.
#79 – 42% Correct Defensive players may wear face/head protection: A. Provided it meets NOCSAE standards. B. Even if it has mirror-like surface. C. Even if it has a non-glare face mask. D. A, B, C
#79 – C 1-5-5 Defensive players are permitted to wear face/head protection in the field. If a pitcher or any defensive player wears face/head protection, its outer covering shall have a non-glare (not mirror-like) surface.
#77 – 46% Correct B1 is crowding the front edge of the batter's box and legally hits the pitch. His stride through with his swing places his front foot on the ground in front and outside the batter's box while his back foot remains in the box. The batted ball bounces up and accidentally hits B1's front leg. A. Foul Ball. B. Fair Ball. C. B1 is immediately declared out. D. B1 is awarded first base.
#77 – “A” 2-16-1g A foul is a batted ball: g. that hits the ground or home plate and then hits the batter or the bat which is held by the batter, while he is in the batter's box.
#51 – 51% Correct With a runner advancing to third base, the second out is recorded at first base. The first baseman, wrongly thinking the play was the third out, tosses the ball to the base umpire who catches the ball and holds it. A. With the runner advancing, the ball stays live and in play. B. The ball is immediately dead. C. The runner is awarded third base. D. B and C.
#51 – “B” 5-1-1h Ball becomes dead immediately when: h. the umpire handles a live ball or calls "Time" for inspecting the ball or for any other reason, including items in Section 2 or gives the "Do Not Pitch Signal" or inadvertently announces "Foul" on a ball that touches the ground; or
#47 – 52% Correct The base umpire declares "Foul" on a fly ball that is caught by the right fielder in fair ground and thrown to second to double up the runner who left the base too soon. A. It is a foul ball and the ball is immediately dead. B. It is a fair ball and the catch stands, but the ball is immediately dead. C. The ball stays live and in play, and the catch is recorded along with the out at second base. D. The offensive team coach gets to decide which out will stand.
#47 – “C” 5-1-1h Ball becomes dead immediately when: h. the umpire handles a live ball or calls "Time" for inspecting the ball or for any other reason, including items in Section 2 or gives the "Do Not Pitch Signal" or inadvertently announces "Foul" on a ball that touches the ground; or
#41 - 67% Correct A batted ball sharply hits the ground and rebounds high in the air. It comes down inside the base umpire's shirt. A. Provided the umpire can pull the ball out immediately, it stays live and in play. B. The ball is dead immediately. C. The batter is awarded two bases. D. B and C.
#41 – “D” 5-1-1f5 Ball becomes dead immediately when: f. a fair batted ball: 5. lodges in players equipment or uniform; or 8-3-3c Each runner is awarded: c. two bases if a fair batted or thrown ball becomes dead because of bouncing over or passing through a fence, or lodges in a defensive player's or umpire's equipment or uniform; or if a live thrown ball:
#58 – 71% Correct It is never legal for a pitcher to throw or feint to an unoccupied base. True or False?
#58 – False 6-2-4b Balk. If there is a runner or runners, any of the following acts by a pitcher while he is touching the pitcher's plate is a balk: b. failing to step with the non-pivot foot directly toward a base (occupied or unoccupied) when throwing or feinting there in an attempt to put out, or drive back a runner; or throwing or feinting to any unoccupied base when it is not an attempt to put out or drive back a runner;
#12 – 72% Correct A fake tag is an act by a defensive player without the ball that simulates a tag and: A. Is considered obstruction. B. Requires a warning to the coach of the team involved and the next offender on that team shall be ejected. C. Is considered to be a legal play. D. A and B.
#12 – “D” 2-22-2 A fake tag is an act by a defensive player without the ball that simulates a tag. A fake tag is considered obstruction. 3-3-1b A coach, player, substitute, attendant or other bench personnel shall not: b. fake a tag without the ball;
#90 – 75% Correct The official scorekeeper informs the plate umpire that the player who just completed his at bat batted out of order. A. The umpire shall ignore the information until the defense legally appeals. B. The umpire shall ignore the information until the offense tells him. C. The umpire, being aware of the infraction, must enforce the penalty.
#90 – “A” 7-1-1 … Only the defensive team may appeal batting out of order after the batter has completed his time at bat…
#3 – 75% Correct R1 is attempting to score when the catcher, without the ball, is blocking home plate allowing R1 no access to score. R1 runs over the catcher and the umpire correctly calls malicious contact. The umpire will: A. Declare R1 out and eject. B. Allow R1 to score on the obstruction and then eject. C. Return R1 to third base. D. Eject the catcher for obstructing R1.
#3 – “A” 8-4-2e Any runner is out when he: e. initiates malicious contact; 1. Malicious contact always supersedes obstruction. Runner(s) will be awarded appropriate base(s) per umpire's judgment.
#94 – 75% Correct With the bases empty, B1 swings and misses the third strike. The ball lodges behind the catcher's chest protector. While everyone is looking for the ball, B1 touches first base and advances to second base before the ball is discovered. A. B1 is out. B. B1 is awarded second base. C. B1 is awarded only first base. D. The umpire may declare an out or award any base depending upon his judgment of the play.
#94 – “C” 5-1-1g4 Ball becomes dead immediately when: g. a pitch or any other thrown ball: 4. lodges in an umpire's, catcher's or offensive player's equipment or uniform; or 8-3-3d Each runner is awarded: d. one base if a pitch ... lodges in an umpire's or catcher's equipment
#54 – 77% Correct A pitcher may turn his shoulders to check runners while in contact with the pitcher's plate while in the: A. Set position. B. Windup position. C. Both A and B. D. Neither A nor B; it is always illegal for a pitcher to turn his shoulders to check a runner.
#54 – “A” 6-1-1 Please check your Rules Book.
#43 – 73.9% Correct A pop fly hits the bat which is lying in foul territory and then touches fair ground. A. The ball is deemed to be a fair ball and stays in play. B. It is a dead ball and the batter is awarded two bases. C. The batter is declared out. D. It is a foul ball and immediately dead.
#43 – “D” 2-16-1d A foul is a batted ball: d. that, while on or over foul territory, touches the person of an umpire or a player or any object foreign to the natural ground; or