How to Play Crazy Corners By Brittany B and Brittany C
Are you still laying on that couch? If you are get up we are going to show you how to play CRAZY CORNERS.
Materials First you get four mats they are your bases. Next you get a kickball. Then you get 20 people put 10 ON EACH TEAM.
One team goes in the outfield and the other team goes up to kick. The other team picks a pitcher then he pitches the ball. The team that’s kicking makes up an order like girl boy girl boy than who's kicking kicks the ball
- Once the other team on the field gets three outs you switch or if the team that’s kicking gets 5 runs you switch.
*You can have as many people on a base as you want. * If you kick the ball past a fare tree away it’s a homerun or if your in a gym and it hits the wall it’s a homerun get to the home plate in 10 seconds or the people can get you out.
` POW!!!! Homerun your team wins Who ever has the most points wins.
Now get up and play CRAZY CORNERS