Leading the pervasive adoption of grid computing for research and industry © 2005 Global Grid Forum The information contained herein is subject to change without notice OGSA-BES OGSA F2F, July 2006, Argonne National Labs Andrew Grimshaw
GGF Intellectual Property Policy All statements related to the activities of the GGF and addressed to the GGF are subject to all provisions of Appendix A of GFD-C.1, which grants to the GGF and its participants certain licenses and rights in such statements. Such statements include verbal statements in GGF meetings, as well as written and electronic communications made at any time or place, which are addressed to any GGF working group or portion thereof, Where the GFSG knows of rights, or claimed rights, the GGF secretariat shall attempt to obtain from the claimant of such rights, a written assurance that upon approval by the GFSG of the relevant GGF document(s), any party will be able to obtain the right to implement, use and distribute the technology or works when implementing, using or distributing technology based upon the specific specification(s) under openly specified, reasonable, non-discriminatory terms. The working group or research group proposing the use of the technology with respect to which the proprietary rights are claimed may assist the GGF secretariat in this effort. The results of this procedure shall not affect advancement of document, except that the GFSG may defer approval where a delay may facilitate the obtaining of such assurances. The results will, however, be recorded by the GGF Secretariat, and made available. The GFSG may also direct that a summary of the results be included in any GFD published containing the specification.
Agenda Bashing Using Ian’s July 6 (v18) document Agenda Bashing Note taker assignment 30 minutes state model discussion (possible rat hole) Trackers Day 2 State model Trackers “Rough consensus” on what needs to be done
Agenda Bashing State model reprise Info model impact – info model elements Trackers Action items to send for group final call
Roadblocks to completion 1. Document parallel state model, with examples, and extensions – HPC profile team, Glenn. 2. Container attributes (resource model) decided on, similarly changes to jsdl need to be incorporated - All 3. Functions/JSDL extensions labeled as optional: e.g., idempotent, notifications, suspend/resume, hold/release, jsdl substate model (staging, etc), cancel activity, - Document editors −Optional items spec’s must still exist. 4. Multiple renderings – 2 is enough? Yes. −Fault description technique – Dave Snelling action 5. How are supported extensions published by BES service? - ALL 6. fill in detail where necessary – everyone please send on list details on what needs clarification - ALL 7. Get buy-in from major players. – Ian, Dave, Andrew, Marvin, Chris, Marty, Darren, Stephen Newhouse, EGEE, Altair, INFN, Naregi (Hiro) 8. Managed job interface Dave Snelling 9. interoperability test plan – Mark M., Glenn, Michel, Marvin Chris, Peter Lane
Naming Agenda Bashing Review of actions since last F2F Delta’s Trackers Last call