® Hosted by IIT Bombay Department of Science & Technology Sponsored By OGC Land and Infrastructure InfraGML Proposal: OGC r1 87th OGC Technical Committee Mumbai, India Paul Scarponcini, Bentley Systems, Inc. 2 December 2013 Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC ® Introduction The LandInfraDWG was chartered to “focus on determining how best to integrate and support the LandXML schema within the OGC framework, as well as how to better manage and integrate CAD-based land information with other OGC standards” LandXML data format is currently not being supported by a Standards Developing Organization (SDO) No enhancements since 2009 Used worldwide to share land development, civil, survey and other infrastructure-related data Data is of value to the larger geospatial data community Currently not integrated with any OGC standards Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC ® DWG chartered activities 1.Reviewing the current LandXML schema and determining how best to continue to support the existing users and engage with them. 2.Assessing the current industry support for the LandXML schema and whether multiple, incompatible versions of the schema have evolved. 3.Investigating how to best incorporate LandXML into the OGC standards framework, including identifying places where there may be common elements in existing standards such as CityGML. 4.Investigating the possibility of moving the LandXML schema into LandGML. 5.Other efforts to integrate land information contained in various CAD formats into the OGC standards framework. Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC ® SWG chartered activities Develop a UML as-is conceptual model of LandXML-1.2 to aid in the understanding of what LandXML 1.2 is and does Provide a conceptual model of land development, based on an assessment of user requirements Establish a single set of consistent concepts that can be implemented in any set of implementation-specific standards, such a LandXML 2.0, a LandGML, a LandSQL, etc. Create subsequent potential land information and development, implementation-specific standards proposed by the Land and Infrastructure DWG Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC ® LandXML-1.2 assessment UML conceptual modeling of Alignments, Coordinate System, Pipe Networks and Survey exposed problems: –optional content –schema document structure –choice compositor –station data type –weak point typing –name optionality inconsistency –case inconsistencies –confusing plural names –“unique” identifiers Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC ® Fixing these problems will break backwards compatibility With no enhancements in over 5 years, LandXML has failed to keep up with newer civil design methods and software OGC standards baseline inconsistencies include: –modular spec –no conceptual model –not “feature” based –does not use the OGC/TC211/MM harmonized geometry model –XML, not GML –case conventions Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC ® use case driven subset of LandXML functionality interoperability standard vs. negotiable template SDO support avoid possible legal issues enable OGC, TC211 and SQL/MM baseline consistency GML provides: –feature model –geometry support –coordinate reference systems –linear referencing –TIN support –compatibility with CityGML, WxS, TransXML InfraGML fresh-start proposal
OGC ® Have SWG wrap up the As-Is project complete documentation of what has been already been modeled write conclusions resume only in other subject areas dictated by InfraGML
OGC ® Have SWG begin the development of InfraGML select initial subject areas based on market demand and resource availability define use cases for each develop UML conceptual models for each + core RFC develop GML 3.2.1/3.3 encoding document mapping from/to LandXML-1.2 repeat for additional subject areas
OGC ® Additional actions harmonize with buildingSMART International’s Infrastructure Room –building, not just buildings –IFC’s for infrastructure –IfcAlignment project (top priority, and “coordination and collaboration with OGC and LandXML is crucial”) –joint use case definition / conceptual model –dual encodings: IFC and GML DWG: continue outreach to LandXML user community
OGC ® Discussion Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium
OGC ® Motion The LandInfraDWG moves that the LandInfraSWG InfraGML proposal (OGC r1) be accepted as the OGC way forward for addressing LandXML and that the LandInfraSWG be thereby directed to begin work on InfraGML immediately Copyright © 2013 Open Geospatial Consortium