A Quarterly Overview Report For the Period 1 February to 30 April 2016 Hui-A-Iwi July 2016
Quarterly Update: Balance of available funding to be spent over remaining term of ToN Phase, being up until 31 October All ToN operational and specialist advisor costs have been monitored closely and spending criteria adhered to as per the CFRT Contracts. All financial reporting requirements have been submitted and approved as per CFRT Contract requirements. Approved ToN Funding Breakdown Approved Funding Funding Received Funding Spent Crown Forestry Rental Trust – Operational176,290156,897105,990 Crown Forestry Rental Trust – Specialist Advisors23,47520,063 Office of Treaty Settlements – ToN Phase40,000 Total ToN Funding to 30 April ,765216,960166,053 Treaty Settlement Funding Update Mandate obtained 21 October Crown funding of $40,000 received within this quarter as approved funding for ToN Phase. Total funding approved for Terms of Negotiation Phase, including actual funding received and spent, as follows: Hui-A-Iwi July 2016
Quarterly Financial Review Consolidated quarterly trading results tracked ahead of budget by $35,970, a pleasing result for this last quarter. This includes trading results for Ngatiwai Education Limited Partnership, which is now 100% owned by Ngatiwai Trust Board, effective 11 March Investments tracked positively, with quarterly income/profit distributions, as follows: Ngatiwai Fishing Ltd and Ngatiwai Holdings Ltd – The Quota Lease Agreement with AFL was re- negotiated to be leased for a three year term, plus a further two year term thereafter, effective 1 October A premium lease value was negotiated to be received for the additional two year lease period which resulted in a positive outcome. Ngatiwai Investment Holdings Ltd – Due to the greater demand for guests requiring accommodation of family units at Oceans, two x 2-bedroom family units were purchased. In addition, the 35-year Lease Term for the Marina Room at Oceans Resort has been cancelled. Rathbone James Limited Partnership – Westpac Building (75% share)$95, Port Road Limited Partnership – Warehouse Complex (36.578% share)$73,721 James Street Car Park Limited – Leased Car Parks (50% share)$2,307 TOTAL PROFIT SHARE PER QUARTER$171,317 Hui-A-Iwi July 2016
Finance Unit Contact: Angela Gill (Acting Chief Financial Officer ) Phone: or Hui-A-Iwi July 2016