11+ Familiarisation
Objectives Introduction Why do we think these familiarisation sessions are so important? The 11+ familiarisation sessions Some facts about the 11+ day More facts about the 11+ day What should you do after the 11+ familiarisation sessions?
Why do we think that these sessions are so important? September 2016 will see 109 students from our priority area start in year 7; a significant increase from previous years. We want more priority area students to come to our unique school, why? We take great care with transition having a unique and flexible curriculum in year 7 which helps create a love for school life and learning; We encourage "excellence in everything", whatever your daughter excels in she will find opportunities here to deepen her knowledge and skills and enjoy sharing her successes with the rest of the school; We are a traditional grammar school but are not afraid to be innovative and creative about how our students learn.
The 11+ familiarisation sessions The staff involved will be: The English team – Mrs Osborn and Mr Andrews The Mathematics team – Miss Slater and Ms Dzumbunu The Management team Familiarisation and not coaching. Turning up with a ‘have a go attitude' is the most important preparation for the sessions; they should be enjoyable yet industrious; welcoming, yet stretching. But don’t forget your log ins! How the sessions will work: Fortnightly rotation between English and Mathematics sessions; Focused on the types of task your daughter can expect in the paper; Balance of independent and collaborative working.
Some facts about the 11+ day It is Saturday, 17th September Make the day as normal as possible. Arrive early, very busy, parking very difficult. Eat breakfast; it could be a long day. Registration in different areas of the school by surname, plenty of signs provided. Sign that your daughter is fit and well to take the test, if not there is an alternative date but you must have medical evidence of the illness; Provide photographic evidence of identify for your daughter (passport or photo endorsed by her primary Headteacher). Quick goodbye and hand your daughter over to our wonderful sixth form prefects and staff.
More facts about the 11+ day Students guided to exam desk, alphabetical by surname. English paper, 1 hour (10 mins reading, reading comprehension task followed by writing task). Break – squash and biscuits! Toilet (try to minimise toilet trips during papers). Mathematics paper, 1 hour. Dismissal and collection Parents not allowed on site until appropriate time – minimises disruption; Students will be let out in collection areas, again by surname; Controlled release for child protection purposes, keep calm. Go out and enjoy the afternoon, what is done is done...
What should you do after the 11+ familiarisation sessions? Register with the CSSE to take the tests if you have not done so already, registration closes 22/7, Ensure 'special requirements' are completed if required; it is too late after the event. Attend our visits mornings and/or open evening Wednesday 6th July 2016, 17:30 – 20:00 Thursday 7th July 2016, 9:30 – 11:30 Friday 8th July 2016, 9:30 –11:30 Tuesday 12th July 2016, 9:30-11:30
Support your daughter by: For the English paper: Encourage her to read a range of texts: from recipes/instructions to short stories. She could be asked to write for any purpose. Try to get her to highlight the main differences between these texts. Invite her to write about her experiences. Holidays are a perfect opportunity for this. Ask her questions about what she is reading. Can she explain character, themes and vocabulary? For the Maths paper: Revise the four operations and methods (column addition, subtraction, ladder and bus stop method). Have a basic understanding of algebra and rearranging formulae. Use websites to access practice papers (
Log in details www. fronter.com/Southend