Page 1 FY12 Budget – September YTD Compare Operations Income FY12 overall income is $181K below FY11 income and FY12 budget is higher From same period in FY11 Recent grad dues income is $14K lower than same period in FY10 dues to C2C Total dues income is $142K lower than same period in FY10 SWE News sponsorships are up $30K Magazine income is $46K higher Collegiate Leadership Forum corporate dollars not booked yet, showing $31K less CPC contributions for WOW events not booked yet, showing $18K less Page 1 FY12 Budget = $3,150,600 FY11 Budget = $3,070,400
Page 2 FY12 Budget – September YTD Compare Operations Expense FY12 overall expenses ~$200 above FY11 expenses but FY12 budget is higher FY12 installations expenses booked as expense in FY12 but were a donation in FY11, accounting for ~29K higher expense Administration expenses on track Payment for initial work on web site overhaul, accounting for ~$64K higher expenses WOW event expense ~$13 higher than same period in FY11 Professional Development fees ~$13K lower than same period in FY11 Magazine expenses $48K higher for commission due to higher income FY12 Budget = $4,421,400 FY11 Budget = $3,925,165
Page 3 FY12 Budget – September YTD Compare Conference Income Income is in-line with the budget at this early stage Trending higher than FY11 due to earlier conference for FY12 Budget based on attendance of 4,700. Actual conference attendance was ~5,800 Conference projections to start in January 2012 FY12 Budget = $3, FY11 Budget = $2,913,225
Page 4 FY12 Budget – September YTD Compare Conference Expense Expenses are in-line with the budget at this early stage Trending higher than FY11 due to earlier conference for FY12 Budget based on attendance of 4,700. Actual conference attendance was ~5,800 Conference projections to start in January 2012 FY12 Budget = $2,659,000 FY11 Budget = $2,497,085
Page 5 FY12 Budget – September YTD Compare Issues / Accomplishments Operations Income trending slighter lower than FY11 despite the FY12 budget being higher Expenses trending slightly above FY11 which is in-line with the higher FY12 budget Anticipating higher dues income for October YTD financials based on membership numbers Conference Strong attendance & strong sponsorships Income and expenses are higher than this period in FY11 due to earlier conference Further conference financial analysis to start in January 2012