Grade 6 Social Studies Practice Questions 2015-2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Grade 6 Social Studies Practice Questions




4. Write the capital label in the correct location.

5. Market events can affect supply and demand of goods. Changes to supply and demand affect the price of goods. Determine how each market event would affect the supply and price of oil. Shade the impact you want to select for the supply and the price of oil for each market event using the orange boxes below.


7. Move the events in the blank boxes in the correct order.

8. In a certain country, the government’s leader is selected from the religious community. Religious doctrine is enforced as government policy. This country is governed as a

9. Globes provide specific types of geographic information. Move the labels describing information that can be found on a globe into the blank boxes.

10. In the United States, there are many forests. In Saudi Arabia, there are many oil fields. The United States sells timber to Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia sells oil to the United States. Why does the trade of timber and oil occur between the United States and Saudi Arabia?

11. Political, environmental, social, and economic factors have caused people, products and ideas to spread throughout the Eastern Hemisphere in the past and today. Decide whether each move shown was caused by a political, environmental, social, or economic factor. Move each factor into the blank box next to the movement it brought about. You do NOT need to use all the factors.

12. Move the events in the blank boxes in the correct order.


14. Many ancient civilizations developed near river valleys. Egypt developed around the Nile, Mesopotamia developed around the Tigris and Euphrates, and India developed around the Indus. Identify two benefits that rivers and river valleys provided to these ancient civilizations. Write your answer in the space provided. Answer Here:

15. A topographical map of modern day Egypt and a population density map of modern day Egypt are shown. Based on the information in the maps, identify one factor of the Egyptian environment that explains the pattern of settlement in Egypt. Then give one reason why that factor is important. Answer Here:

16. Specialization occurs when a country focuses its economy on producing a limited number of goods and services. Imagine that the price of oil drops suddenly. Choose two of the three countries shown. Describe how this unexpected drop would affect each of the two countries selected. Then, for each of the countries you chose, explain why the drop in oil prices would affect their economies in that way. Answer Here: