Transformations – Introductory Video Click the link in Blackboard to view the video on transformation. This is a short Brain Pop video that introduces the students to the three Isometric Transformations that they will be studying. This task uses: Computer Projector WhiteBoard Learning Objective(s): G.CO.1 To provide an animated introduction to the Isometric Transformations. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Transformations - Quizlet 1.Type the following address: 2. Study the Flash Cards. Then, use Scramble to test your knowledge of the terms. If needed, go back through the flash cards. Compare your time/score with your partner. The students will use a Quizlet on Transformations to study and reinforce terms used In our study of Transformations. This task uses: Computer Quizlet Flash Cards and Scramble Learning Objective(s): G.CO.1 Definitions G.CO To measure and reinforce student understanding of terms related to Transformations. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Transformation Carousel Activity Detailed instructions and student handouts are attached. The students will be performing a composition of functions on poster board in groups at various stations. Once they have completed their series of transformations, they will verify their results using Geometer’s Sketchpad. Students will provide feedback to other groups. Students will pair with any group that made incorrect transformations to correct final image. This task uses: Computer Geometer’s Sketchpad Learning Objective(s): *G.CO.5, as well as G.CO.2, G.CO.4, G.CO.6 The student will use Dynamic Software to perform transformations. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign. Geometer’s Sketchpad/Stations
Transform Me This task uses: iOS Device Photo Booth App Computer PowerPoint Learning Objective(s): G.CO.2 – 6 Use Technology to perform Transformations R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. iOS/Photo Booth App/PowerPoint ***Important Note: Do not publish any student photo in any form without appropriate parental consent documentation on file. Students will take pictures of each other using the Photo Booth App. If you do not have proper documentation, allow the student to take a picture of an object in the classroom. They will then paste the picture in PowerPoint on slides with coordinate graphs, perform transformations, and record results. A sample PowerPoint template is attached.
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology Students will take pictures of each other using the Photo Booth App. If you do not have proper documentation, allow the student to take a picture of an object in the classroom. They will then paste the picture in PowerPoint on slides with coordinate graphs, perform transformations, and record results. G.CO.2 – 6 Use Technology to perform Transformations iOS Device Photo Booth App Computer PowerPoint The students will be performing a composition of functions on poster board in groups at various stations. Provide Feedback. Once they have completed their series of transformations, they will verify their results using Geometer’s Sketchpad. Students will correct other groups. *G.CO.5, as well as G.CO.2, G.CO.4, G.CO.6 The student will use Dynamic Software to perform transformations. Computer Geometer’s Sketchpad The students will use a Quizlet on Transformations to study and reinforce terms used In our study of Transformations. G.CO.1 Definitions G.CO To measure and reinforce student understanding of terms related to Transformations. Computer Quizlet Flash Cards and Scramble The students will view an introductory video to Transformations by Brain Pop G.CO.1 To provide an animated introduction to the Isometric Transformations. Computer Projector White Board Blackboard Louisiana Math Standard (include description): Teacher: MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement