Notre classe De français
Severine Bonjour! Je m’appelle Severine. J’ai dix ans. My name in English is Dana. I have blond hair. I go to West Woods school. A l’ecole, j’aime la musique et les arts plastique, mais je n’aime pas le maths. In my free time I love to read and write stories. Tchao, Severine (Dana)
Aditi Bonjour Je m’appelle Aditi J’ai dix ans I have black hair I am a girl I have glasses my hair is in a pony tail. A e’ecole j’aime les arts plastiques et la sport et francais mais je n’aime pas le maths et sciences. In my free time I like to draw spend time with my friends and hang out at the pool. Sault, Aditi
Francis Salut Je m’applle francis Jai onze. I am 5foot2. I have short blonde hair. Jaim les maths. Je n’aime pas le histoire. In my free time I like to play lacrosse. And I like to snowboard. tchao
Courtney Bonjour, Je m’appelle Courtney. J’ai 11 ans. I have brown hair and I am short. I have brown eyes. A l’e`cole, j’aime le EPS mais je n’aime pas le maths c’est barbant. J’aime faire du sport. J’aime le football. Je n’aime pas le escargots. Salut, Courtney
Nicole Bonjour, Je m’apple Nicole j’ ai onza ans. I have blond hair and hazle eyes. I’m Polish. A l’école j’aime fair le LEPS! Je n’aime pas la choral. In my free time I read. I also like gymnastics.
Gianna Bonjour, Je m’appelle Gianna, Jai dix ans Hello My name is Ginna, I am ten years old J’ aime fair les magasin mais je n’aime pas le ski In my free time i like to read or draw. I also like to play outside. Salut
Julie Bonjaur, je m’ appelle Julie.J’ai onze. I have brown hair, blue eyes and I am tall. A l’école, j’aime la cantine mais je n’aime pas les maths In my free time I like to play outside with my friends.
Obi Bonjour, Je m’appelle Obi. J’ai onze ans. I am tall, I have short, black, puffy hair. A l’ecole, J’aime L’EPS je n’aime pas les arts plastiques. In my free time I love to play le sport. J’adore le basket! I also in my free time enjoy playing jeux videos.
Will Bonjour, Je m’appelle Will. J’ai onze ans. I am short, I have brown hair. A l’ecole, j’aime l’EPS mais je n’aime pas les art plastiques. In my free time I play football and baseball.
Blaise Bonjour, Je m’appelle Blaise. J’ai dix ans. I have blond hair. I am very short. A l’ecole, j’aime les maths. Je n’aime pas le livre. In my free time, I like to play the violin and play basketball.
Bonjour, Je m’appelle Alice. J’ai 11 ans. I am a girl that likes to play violin and I LOVE cats! I have a brother and a mother and father. I have a grandmother that speeks French. A l’ecole, j’aime les mathematiques et les sciences mais je n’aime pas L’EPS. In my free time I like to draw and write small stories. I also like to practice my German. Other things I enjoy are horseback riding and playing with my two friends Brittney and Pieter.
Bonjour Je m’appelle Cristine! Jai 10 ans. I go to WWUES. I like to swim. I have a brother. Il s’appelle Daniel. I originaly came from Colombia then to Canada then I live here in Farmington now. I have made a lot of friends since got here. Ma couleur préférée est le bleu. A l’echole, jaime le maths, français et l’ EPS mais je n’aime pasle estude socials. In my free time I like to swim,read and play on the computer.I also like to play with my brother and friends we either play tag hide and go seekor play board games. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?
Bonjour, Je m’appelle Nicole. J’ai 11 ans. I go to WWUES. I like math and reading. My favorite animal is dogs and I love to play the flute. I have two sisters and a mother and a father. Both my parents were originally from Canada. A l’ école, j’aime les maths et la bande. N’aime pas l’ EPS. In my free time I enjoy visiting my grandparents in Canada. I also enjoy going to the mall.
Bonjour!! Je m’appelle Audrey. J’ai dix ans. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am average height and I love putting my hair in a ponytail. I go to Westwoods school, in Farmington, CT. I am a girl. A l’école, j’aime EPS!!! C’est genial!!!!!. Je n’aime pas les arts plastiques. C’est barbant! In my free time I love to play with my friends and family. I absolutely love sports too. I look foward to being your penpal!! Salut, Audrey
Bonjour Je m’ appelle Caroline J’ai Dix ans I have blond hair and blueish greenish eyes. A L’ecole j’aime L EPS. Je n amie pas L math . I love to play all sports my favorite is basketball and soccer. But i do not like math or reading another thing I like is French. Also go to the mall.
bonjour Je m’appelle Yapo. J’ai dix ans. I like to swim in my pool. A l’ecole j’aime le déjeuner. Je n’aime pas les mathmatiques. I don’t like homework but i like french class. Also, I like recess.
Lindsey Bounjour je m’appelle Lindsey Rio. J’ai 11 ans. Im 4 feet five inches I weight 62 pounds and have dirty blonde hair.I have baby blue eyes and long eye lashes. A l’’école j’aime le français. Je n’aime pas les maths I love soccer and hate test bye!!!
Isabelle Je m’appelle Isabelle. J’ai 10ans . I like soccer. A l’ école, je n’aime pas le français. I like football and soccer.
Nathalie Je m’ appelle Nathalie J’ ai 10ans I have long dirty blonde hair and hazel blue eyes. A l’ ecole j’aime le français, je n’aime pas les maths I like to play soccer and don’t like math