Recruitment Seminar Fall 2015 Delta Upsilon California.


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Presentation transcript:

Recruitment Seminar Fall 2015 Delta Upsilon California

 Welcome and Introduction  Rush Policy and Expectations  Recruitment Conversations/Technique Seminar Agenda

 If you want to continue the existence of this house  If you want to continue watching this house improve Why Should You Try?

 Be aggressive in recruiting, talk to as many guys as you can ◦Don’t limit yourself to friends, spread to classroom, gym, coworkers, clubs, referrals, etc.  Hand out as many rush cards as you can to people that might be interested ◦However, this needs to be done casually  Continue inviting contacts to events  Spend time with contacts outside of events ◦Take them to lunch, play a pick-up game with them, etc.  Freshmen - bring all of your friends, floormates, etc What Should You Do?

 You are expected to contact me if you cannot attend a cleanup, event, or any other activity ◦When you don’t show up it makes everyone else have to work harder  Invite all of your contacts to every event. ◦This gets tedious as rush drags on, but hitting up your contacts is one of the most important parts of rush  Stay for the duration of each event.  Do the jobs that you sign up for.  After you talk to a guy you NEED to put his info on the rush doc Policy And Expectations

The size of the class is important, but I want to stress that we are pushing for quality over quantity Expectations: can you hang out with him, would you be his big bro would you be comfortable with this guy representing our house need to know his interests what does he bring to the house what does he plan to do in college and in our house Bidding Expectations

How To Rush

 Welcome week ◦Meet guys, get contacts ◦Builds a base for rush  Rush Events ◦Invite contacts and sell the house  Rush Meetings ◦Use rush doc to create a potential member slideshow ◦Go through slideshow and talk about each potential member ◦Vote to bid guys we like  Bidding Process How Rush Works

 Talk about common interests. Try to reach out past name, major, year, hometown.  Ask about club involvement, extracurricular involvement, and social interests  Ask questions that give you an example of character (ask about family or friends, passions, or relationships)  Talk about everything DU has done for you ◦- social opportunities, jobs, house positions ◦- What role has DU played being a part of your college experience  Be ready to answer questions like, “Why did you join DU?” Sell Yourself and the House

 “Pass Off” recruits to better suited brothers. ◦If you meet someone really chill, make sure to pass him off so that more guys get a chance to meet him.  Don’t spend all your time on one guy, get his phone number and hit him up, but sometimes let someone else hit him up. ◦This was a problem during Fall ‘14. Make sure youre not talking to the same guys every event  Make sure that someone you don’t recognize (obviously rushing) is never standing alone. Technique

 Talk about sports, living with your best friends, relative cheapness, and social events.  Make sure to talk about service (K to College, philo event this year)  Brag about the brothers and their accomplishments since joining  Show them around the house, highlight the study room, chapter room, basement, etc What To Tell Them About the House

 Do not disrespect any other brother at any time. Don’t call anybody weird, don’t give anyone a bad impression of somebody.  Do not rag on any other fraternities specifically (personal attacks certainly don’t look good when we’re all members of IFC)  Do not call them rushees when they are around Things You Should Not Say

When you meet someone cool, put them on the rush doc. Get their number and make sure you have their last name. In your comments, be as specific as possible. List their interests or anything you learned about them during your conversation. If a potential member is on the fence about rushing, make sure you put the reason on the rush doc. Rush Doc