2014 ROTARY INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION District Rotaract Representative Training Breakout
Understand the role and responsibilities as a DRR and how it fits into the Rotary / Rotaract / District structure Know some key actions that you can take to support clubs to recruit and retain members and plan and execute successful projects and events Understand how to manage an effective District Rotaract Committee, including delegation and cooperation and succession planning OBJECTIVES WHY do you have to do anything? WHAT could you do to support your clubs? HOW could you lead your team?
Take a stand! Role and Responsibility Club Support Teamwork and Succession Planning Rise up and take action! AGENDA
Florian Wackermann Chairman Rotaract Germany Committee (RDK) – representing 15 German districts Past Leadership Development Trainer (RDK) DRR Brett Sham DRR RID9685 Treasurer Rotaract Australia MDIO Past RYLA and iRYLA Facilitator INTRODUCTION
Take a stand! How many people of your club are attending this workshop? 1 (you) More than one ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY
Take a stand! To how many Preconventions have you been – including this one? 1 (first) 2 3 more ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY
Take a stand! What number is your district ending with? 0 (zero) Odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) Even (2, 4, 6, 8) Other ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY
Take a stand! How large is your district? 1 to 5 clubs More than 5 clubs ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY
Take a stand! Is your district member of an MDIO? Yes No ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY
Take a stand! What’s your DRR status? I have served as DRR I am serving this year (2013/14) as DRR I will serve next year (2014/15) as DRR I might serve in the future ICEBREAKER ACTIVITY
Understanding the roles and responsibilities as a DRR
“To serve as an ambassador for the Rotaract program, a conduit of information between fellow members and Rotarians, and a leader and resource for club officers in your district” ROLE OF THE DRR Source: Guide for District Rotaract Representatives
Represent all Rotaractors in the district Communicate with the Rotary district governor and district Rotaract committee chair Co-chair the district Rotaract committee Bring clubs together for service and fellowship Promote Rotaract to Rotary clubs and to the community RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE DRR Source: Guide for District Rotaract Representatives You’re an AMBASSADOR
DISTRICT ROTARACT STRUCTURE Source: Guide for District Rotaract Representatives
District Rotaract newsletter Social media Public relations Community relations DISTRICT COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES You’re a CONDUIT OF INFORMATION
Sharing successful Rotaractor-led fundraising and service projects Offering communications and social networking support to help Rotary clubs promote their service projects and signature events Holding a workshop on club diversity, global citizenship, or innovative service projects PROMOTING ROTARACT TO ROTARY CLUBS You’re a CONDUIT OF INFORMATION
Training – Rotaract district leadership training meeting, Rotary district team training seminar and Rotary district assembly District conference – Rotary and Rotaract Multidistrict meetings, service projects and MDIOs International events – Preconvention and Interota MEETINGS, TRAINING AND EVENTS You’re a LEADER AND RESOURCE
Help start new Rotaract clubs Grow existing club membership Help Rotaractors transition into Rotary Help clubs plan and implement service projects Lead districtwide projects or events OTHER ACTIVITIES TO SUPPORT CLUBS You’re a LEADER AND RESOURCE
Supporting clubs to recruit and retain members and plan and execute projects and events
Support Membership How could a DRR and his team support my club getting members? You’re group is the district team: Define three actions what you would do next to support your clubs to get members. Support Activities How could a DRR and his team support my club with our activities? Your group is the district team: Define three actions what you would do next to support your club with their activities GROUP DISCUSSION
Managing a District Rotaract Committee and succession planning
GROUP DISCUSSION Planning Delegation Cooperation
I will make a district/club vision I will set measurable and achievable goals I will plan a district-wide event I will help improve relations between clubs within the district I will communicate with the DRRE We will hold a multi-district project or event I will talk to the DG and DGE about district plans and goals I will regularly update club activity and information I will create a calendar I will create a district newsletter I will create and collate event templates I will plan to contact Rotaractors I will follow Rotary themes I will check the clubs and meeting times I will coordinate with the MDIO I will plan a meeting / meetings with presidents I will include my team in my yearly plans I will consider available resources when setting my plan Planning – Ideas from Workshop at Preconvention in Sydney, May 31st, 2014
I will create district leadership positions – in which to delegate We will hold a planning session to delegate I will actively seek others interests and passions I will make a list of tasks to delegate, will follow up and check on progress We will identify strong points of people to help We will empower others to take ownership of their projects I will delegate to help people grow I will be clear what I delegate I will not micromanage I will show appreciation and recognize and celebrate achievements I need to understand that I can‘t do it all myself I will provide timelines for action points I will get my presidents to provide a SWOT-report every quarter I will help the president to prioritize their action items Delegation - Ideas from Workshop at Preconvention in Sydney, May 31st, 2014
We will facilitate RC & RAC communication We will facilitate communication between presidents and the MDIO We will facilitate cooperation in events We will facilitate fellowship days for Rotaractors and Rotarians I will regularly communicate with my District Rotaract Chair We will liase with other organizations We will create a database of contact information I will communicate the DRR-plan to Rotaract Clubs and district leadership I will get monthly updates on RAC on status. Ask for help and volunteers Delegate roles to clubs Facilitate communication between DRRs Cooperation - Ideas from Workshop at Preconvention in Sydney, May 31st, 2014
Recap and close
Understand the role and responsibilities as a DRR and how it fits into the Rotary / Rotaract / District structure Know some key actions that you can take to support clubs to recruit and retain members and plan and execute successful projects and events Understand how to manage an effective District Rotaract Committee, including delegation and accountability and succession planning OBJECTIVES WHY do you have to do anything? WHAT could you do to support your clubs? HOW could you lead your team?
Where do I find the slides?
Rise up as a team and take action! Form a group of 5 people Sit on floor, back-to-back Link arms Try and stand up TEAM ACTIVITY
Most body copy Will go on White pages For readability SUBTITLE