CMS Data Analysis Dr. James KeatingDr. Patrick MooneyMs. Jill Ziegler Washington High SchoolTrinity SchoolHamilton High West South Bend, IN Hamilton, NJ Giancarlo CarozzaLeland DunwoodieCorey Hostetler St. Joseph High SchoolLakeshore High SchoolBethany Christian Schools South Bend, INStevensville, MIGoshen, IN
Data Sets
Large Hadron Collider
CMS Detector
Physics Plots: phi vs eta
Cosmic Muons and the Detector curved by magnetic field
Cosmic Muons and the Detector curved by magnetic field detector breaks tracks into two opposite signed muons
Physics Plots: Beta dielectrons: smooth increasing histogram
Physics Plots: Beta dielectrons: smooth increasing histogram dimuons: peak near zero
Physics Plots: Muons phi vs eta for beta <0.05
Physics Plots: Mass Plots Electrons
Physics Plots: Mass Plots Muons
Physics Plots: Mass Plots Electrons Mass Extremes Separated
Physics Plots: Mass Plots Muons Mass Extremes Separated
Conclusions Access and Read Data NameMass (GeV/c 2 )DimuonDielectron J/ψ3.1 GeV/c 2 31 ψ (2S)3.7 GeV/c 2 20 ϒ (1S)9.5 GeV/c 2 21 ϒ (2S)10.0 GeV/c 2 10 ϒ (3S)10.3 GeV/c 2 10 Z0Z0 91 GeV/c 2 2 (180 pairs)3 (3000 pairs) 0 = Not Seen1 = Hint2 = Clear3 = Strong
Conclusions Future Fit Masses Production Cross Section Ratio of Z-->μμ to Z-->ee MORE DATA Develop experimental modern physics course activity Report: