SENSE project – towards a next (second) part Stefan Jensen - head - SEIS and SDI group
Remaining work – part 1 Include agreed fixes (based on discussion) Support newcomers Implement a helpdesk for Member Countries Others ?
SENSE part 2 – technology to be used Service APIs from EEA to Member Countries and others institutions using RDF and related semantic web technologies Make use of EEA Content Registry v.3 providing RDF and SPARQL end points and There are plenty of examples on how to query the new Content Registry SPARQL endpoint There are also some example queries for datasets and indicators #EEADataservicequeries The EEA system (Website and Reportnet) will be extended to provide the listed functionalities by late 2011
New phase 2 Specific objectives To improve the sharing of national and European information through the use of a Linked Data approach for indicator information through a stepwise learning process for both EEA and EIONET. To establish – in a first step - a process of online indicator reporting from the EEA indicator web site to the national websites. To establish – in a second step – the same process from the national websites to the EEA. This will then allow to vice versa enriching both the national and the European information base.
Draft project plan Main deliverables Technical guidelines XML/RDF SENSE II feed specification European indicators on the national websites and – in step two - national indicators on websites at other nations Specifications for maintaining this shared indicator system
Project concept I The reasons for this follow-up project are: Previous experiences indicate that further exploring the RDF technology is leading to an increased knowledge at the EEA and in EIONET To support a proposal / options for indicators that will be used for country benchmarking in SOER 2015 > Start re-scheduled for later in 2011 ased on manageboard / EIONET meeting decision To handle the links to the EUROSTAT project “Streamlining of environmental indicators” > It needs to be identified if and how this is possible
Items covered To reach a common understanding within both EEA and EIONET on the usage and functions of indicators and move towards a more “shared” system for indicators (not necessarily leading to more common indicators). > Start re-scheduled for later in 2011 ased on manageboard / EIONET meeting decision To support – as one of several projects - the demand from the EEA Bureau on a proposal on indicators....
What can we do at this stage related to SENSE part 2 Collect needs and interest of Member Countries Identify a group of interesting Member Countries to follow the project Work on part 2 will start Sep./Oct. 2011