Identification and evaluation of anthropogenic pressures Northern calotte water authority meeting Levi 16 th -18 th April 2013 Pekka Räinä/ Lapland ELY-centre
Nutrients and solid suspenses - Point source data from national VAHTI- data base - Diffuse loading from VEMALA-model - loading originate on 3. level watershed areas - loading output from 3. level watershed areas - loading input to lakes - hydrological model involved - kg/a, kg/km 2 /a - years Loading inventory of the priority and harmful substances
Hydromorphological modifications - hydrological modifications - continuity - morphological modifications Hydrological modifications affecting water levels and flow rates can be caused by factors including regulation and considerable water abstraction as well as the dropping or raising of lake levels. Continuity is affected by various types of dam and power plant. Morphological modifications are changes affecting the status of water bodies and their depth variation that are caused by factors such as riverbed cleaning and diking, lake dredging as well as bridges and embankments.
Two phase evaluation process Phase 1. Preliminary assessment (lakes) 1.Average winter draw-down (m) or average winter draw-down compared with the average depth (%) or change in the lake's water surface area (%) 2. Permanent decrease/heave in the mean water level (m) 3. The proportion of altered and constructed shoreline of the lake's total shoreline (%) 4. The effects of bridges and embankments 5. Migration barriers -Modification exist?: Yes/No -> Effect: No effect / low effect / more than low effect -Total effect: No effect / low effect / more than low effect
Two phase evaluation process Phase 1. Preliminary assessment (rivers) 1.Upstream migration barriers caused by dams and other construction (% upstream channel) 2. Constructed head loss (%) 3. Constructed proportion of the river length (%) (cleaning, embankments, new channels, cutoffs, shore protection) 4. Level of short-term regulation 5. Decrease in spring peak discharge (%) or frecuency of critical minimum discharges -Modification exist?: Yes/No -> Effect: No effect / low effect / more than low effect -Total effect: No effect / low effect / more than low effect
Two phase evaluation process Phase 1. Preliminary assessment (coastal waters) 1.The proportion of altered and constructed shoreline of the lake's total shoreline (%) (residential, industrial, port functions) 2. Amount of altered shoreline (por t dock areas, dredging and soil dumping site areas, shipping and boating channels) 3. Bridge and causeway impact area 4. Natural connection to sea/dammed bays -Modification exist?: Yes/No -> Effect: No effect / low effect / more than low effect -Total effect: No effect / low effect / more than low effect
Degree of alteration 1.Upstream migration barriers caused by dams and other construction (% upstream channel) 2. Constructed head loss (%) 3. Constructed proportion of the river length (%) and the impacts of construction to underwater habitats 4. Level of short-term regulation 5. Decrease in spring peak discharge (%) or frecuency of critical minimum discharges Very large (4 points) Totally closed ( %) > 50 %> 50, original habitats (i.a. rapids) are totally lost or heavily qualitatively deteriorated Case-specific assessment >75 Large (3 points) % closed30-50 %30-50, original habitats are mostly lost or heavily qualitatively deteriorated Case-specific assessment Moderate (2.points) % closed15-30 %15-30, original habitats at most 1/3 is lost or qualitatively deteriorated Case-specific assessment Low (1 points) % closed5-15 %5-15, original habitats slightly qualitatively deteriorated Case-specific assessment No altered (0 points) < 10 %< 5 %< 5, original habitats left Case-specific assessment < 10
’Traffic lights’
Lakes winter draw-down more than 3 m or at least 50% of the mean depth of the lake or regulation reduces the water surface area by at least 50% Rivers a total of at least 50% of the length of the river has been modified (through damming, cleaning, diking or re-routing) or at least 50% of its natural drop has been dammed Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto 12 Designation as a heavily modified water body: Direct designation criteria
Coastal waters Dammed sea bays can be regarded as heavily modified water bodies if the coastal waters have been dammed in such a way that eliminates a natural connection to seawater. Artificial water bodies canals constructed on dry ground and reservoirs with more than 50% of their surface area formed on the ground Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto 13
Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto 14
Direct designation criteria a total of at least 50% of the length of the river has been modified (through damming, cleaning, diking or re-routing) or at least 50% of its natural drop has been dammed Pasvik river 96,5 % Heavily modified Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto 15
Assessment method for rivers 1. upstream migration barriers caused by dams and other construction 100 % 4 pts 2. constructed head loss (%) 96,5 % 4 pts 3. constructed proportion of the river length (cleaning, embankments, new channels, cutoffs, shore protection) 2 pts ? 4. level of short-term regulation 1 pts ? 5. decrease in spring peak discharge (%) 0 pts Total 11 pts Heavily modified Lisää viraston nimi, tekijän nimi ja osasto 16