evaluation a tool for success
Overview Purpose and benefits of evaluation Designing an evaluation Logic Modeling
what is evaluation?
Assessing strengths and weaknesses …to improve effectiveness “ ”
Let’s do a quick evaluation! -What criteria would you use? -What are your data collection methods? -How important is it that everyone agrees?
why evaluate?
Demonstrate Results
Create a learning community
Photo by woodleywonderworks 2011 httpsflic.krp9esZtm Influence others
Build support
Plan for sustainability
Planning your evaluation
The evaluation process Define Purpose Develop questions Prepare methods Measure Analyze Interpret Improve
Define project outcomes What do you want to DO at the end of your evaluation?
Clarify Purpose Who are the key stakeholders of the evaluation? What are they interested in learning? What you hope to learn as part of the evaluation? Prioritize competing interests
Logic models Good for evaluation and management Describe what programs do & why
Example GOAL: For all students to be at or above their grade reading level ACTIVITIES: -Tutoring Theater Book club OUTPUT: # of tutoring sessions # of books/articles read INTENDED OUTCOMES: -Students are more confident in reading -Students think reading is fun TOOLS: -Survey -Check-in form
Tricky Definitions Tangible results you control Ex: How many people received a service. Results you hope to influence. Pre-conditions for broader societal change. Ex: People’s behavior change after receiving a service. OutputsOutcomes
PRACTICE: LOGIC MODEL Evaluation question: How well has the program achieved its outcomes?
Logic Model Activity
measures & indicators
Methods… Arts, Stories, Activities, “Big Data”
Photo by Andy Melton
Surveys Tests Focus groups Interviews Records (intake, case notes, etc.)
Creative options Art: photos, drawings, diagrams Stories & metaphors Activities
Matching evaluation tools to your work Use available resources Use knowledge of staff Honor the wisdom of all of your stakeholders Supported by infrastructure
i evaluation