Reading (1). Where would you like to live? Would you like to live in a modern city or in a small town?


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Presentation transcript:

Reading (1)

Where would you like to live? Would you like to live in a modern city or in a small town?

Welcome to Sunshine Town! Reading

quietfresh air It ’ s a quiet town. It has fresh air. 这是一个安静的小镇。它空气非常新鲜。

theatre local We can enjoy Beijing opera at local theatre. 我们可以在本地剧院欣赏京剧。 Beijing opera

underground We can go to Sunshine Town by underground. 我们可以乘地铁到阳光镇。

parkjogging Many people like jogging in the park. 许多人喜欢在公园慢跑锻炼。

Western There are many famous Western restaurants in our country. 在我们国家有许多著名的西方餐厅。 famous

1. fresh _______ a not hear, see or have something 2. local _______ b very clean or cool 3. famous _______ c feel happy because you are going to enjoy something 4. miss _______ d known by many people 5. look forward to ________ e in the area near where you live e b Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks. d a c

Welcome to Sunshine Town! Listen to the tape and answer the questions: 1. Where is Sunshine Town? It takes only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground.

2. Is the things expensive in the town? No. Most things are not expensive. 3. Can we have Western food in the town? Yes, we can. There are some Western restaurants. 4. Where can we enjoy Beijing opera? We can enjoy Beijing opera at local theatre.

1. Sunshine Town is a quiet town. ____ 2. Local people like jogging in the park in the morning. ____ 3. There are not many shops in Sunshine Town. ____ T F T Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.

4. The things in the shops are nice but expensive. ____ 5. You can eat Beijing duck in the town. ____ 6. You can learn how to sing Beijing opera in the town. ____ T F F

The students want to send a picture of Sunshine Town to the exchange students. Help them fill in the information. Write the correct letters in the boxes.

a enjoy Beijing opera b buy wonderful presents c learn more about Chinese art d most things are not expensive e not far from the centre of Beijing f quiet and beautiful g some Western restaurants h try some Chinese food

e f g h b d c a

Mum: Hello, who ’ s speaking? Neil: Hi, Mum. This is Neil. Mum: Hi, Neil! How are you? Do you like Sunshine Town? Neil: Yes. It ’ s beautiful. The air is _____, and there are many trees, lakes and _____. Complete the conversation with the information. fresh hills

Mum: Is it far from the centre of Beijing? Neil: No. It takes only __________ by underground. Mum: Are there many shops there, Neil? Neil: Yes. We ’ ll go shopping at Sunshine Shopping Mall. Our friends say most things there are not ________. Mum: That ’ s good. What ’ s the food like there? 40 minutes expensive

Neil: ________ food is great, and there are some ________ restaurants too. Mum: What about Beijing opera? I know you want to watch it! Neil: There ’ s a _______. We can watch Beijing opera there. Mum: That ’ s nice. Have a good time! Neil: Thanks, Mum. Bye. Mum: Goodbye. Chinese Western theatre

Fill in the blanks: Sunshine Town is a _____ place. The air is _____. It takes 40 _______ from _________ of Beijing by ____________. There’s _______ shops in the town. People can ____ presents ___ family and friends. Beijing duck is very _______. quiet fresh minutes the centre underground lots of buyfor famous Sum up

People can also have some _______ food there. If you want to ________________ Chinese art, you can enjoy ____________at the _______. Western learn more about Beijing opera theatre

Recite the article.