GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination.


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Presentation transcript:

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Current Status of the SST Constellation GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC Presented to CGMS-42, WGIII session, agenda item 2.2

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Overview of GHRSST  GHRSST, the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature grew out of a Pilot Project of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment (GODAE),  Composed of a Science Team of researchers and operational practitioners.  Coordinates research and operational developments in satellite-derived SST.  Organized into Working Groups and Technical Advisory Groups focused on particular problems or activities  Data processing through Regional and Global Data Assembly Centres, combining satellite and auxiliary fields into common data formats for ease of access and analysis.  Operational GHRSST data are available from the Global Data Assembly Centre (GDAC) at the JPL PO.DAAC:  Data are available in perpetuity at the GHRSST Long Term Stewardship and Reanalysis Facility at the NOAA National Oceanographic Data Center (  See for further information.

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Overview of CEOS SST-VC  Foster better engagement by Nations operating or preparing satellite SST sensors within the SST-VC and GHRSST frameworks,  Maintain a strong and mutually supportive relationship with the GHRSST,  Provide an interface to CEOS for GHRSST activities.  Improve coordination, consolidation and development of the collective SST capability,  Work to assure long-term continuity of passive microwave SST data,  Develop the driving requirements to create, validate and sustain the development of an international ensemble of ECV SST measurements from space,  Support outreach, education and development of new SST practitioners,  Foster better use of reference sensors (i.e. dual view IR) within the Constellation,  Provide advice and advocate to the international community the importance of SST,  Enforce standards (e.g, definitions of SST, collection methods, algorithms, validation approaches, data management, product formats)  Advocate and endorse future funding activities

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) CEOS SST-VC current membership  CEOS SST-VC Co-leads:  NOAA (Ken Casey)  ESA (Craig Donlon)  CEOS SST-VC additional membership:  EUMETSAT  NASA  JAXA  SANSA  UKSA  CSIRO  GHRSST (ex-oficio)

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC interfaces CEOS SST Virtual Constellation (SST-VC) GHRSST International Science Team Working Groups (WGs) and Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs ) GHRSST Project Office GHRSST Advisory Council CEOS-SIT CEOS Working Groups WGCV WGClim WGCapD WGISS DAS & HL- TAG EARWiG DV- WG R2HA2 IW- WG User requirements for products and services - operational, scientific and climate

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) The SST constellation - core components  Low Earth orbit Infrared (IR) sensors  High spatial resolution ( ~ 1 km)  Daily to weekly repeat sampling  High accuracy (for dual-view reference sensor)  Affected by clouds  Low Earth orbit Passive Microwave (PMV) sensors  Mesoscale spatial resolution ( ~ 25 km)  Daily repeat sampling  Affected by land and precipitating clouds  Geostationary Earth orbit IR sensors  Low spatial resolution ( ~ 5 km)  Sub-hourly repeat sampling  Affected by clouds

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Status – LEO IR sensors  Currently have several sensors in operation  AVHRR, MODIS, VIIRS  Products available in GHRSST L2P format from many agencies  Status  Sub-critical – need dual-view reference sensor  Activities on-going  Copernicus Sentinel-3 SLSTR (dual-view capability)  JPSS VIIRS follow-on  EPS-SG METimage

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Status – LEO PMW sensors  AMSR2 now in orbit  Products available in GHRSST L2P format from JAXA  Windsat and TMI (tropics only) still operating  Products available in GHRSST L2P format from RSS  Status  Sub-critical – need redundant capability at all times  Activities on-going  NSOAS have microwave radiometer on HY-2 series  GHRSST currently establishing links to NSOAS with support from EUMETSAT  Joint GHRSST/NSOAS meeting took place in Beijing in April 2014

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Status – GEO IR sensors  Geostationary constellation well supported  GOES, MSG, MTSAT  Data available in L2P from many agencies  Status  Sub-critical – significant data gap in Indian Ocean  Activities on-going  GHRSST/SST-VC trying to establish contact with other agencies  ISRO for INSAT 3-D  ISRO coming to GHRSST/SST-VC meeting (Cape Town, 2-6 June 2014) to present latest results and start discussions on providing data in GHRSST L2P format  New contacts made with CMA and KMA at 4 th Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference but no follow-up yet. Also, would like to make contact with ROSHYDROMET amongst others.

GHRSST/CEOS SST-VC, V1, 13 May 2014 Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites - CGMS Add CGMS agency logo here (in the slide master) Summary  GHRSST idetified three main issues with the SST constellation at CGMS-41  Redundant capability needed for microwave SST measurements  Geostationary SST over the full Indian Ocean  Replacement ‘reference’ satellite SST dataset needed after loss of AATSR  Progress being made in all areas  In addition, white paper on “SST Vision for 2025” being developed  Significant current and future capability in SST – see CEOS MIM database at  Optimising the constellation is essential  All agencies with an SST capability are encouraged to  Adopt GHRSST data formats for their SST datasets  Participate in GHRSST  Participate in the SST-VC  Assistance from CGMS is sought to address these on-going issues