Unit 3 What is Eddie going to do? What kind of hill does he want to climb? If you have enough time, what are you going to do?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3

What is Eddie going to do? What kind of hill does he want to climb? If you have enough time, what are you going to do?

Match each building with its city and country the White House the Great Wall the Big Ben the Harbour Bridge the Golden Gate Bridge the Eiffel Tower China France England America Australia Francisco Paris London Beijing Sydney Washington

Q1: What place did Nick visit? Q2: How did he travel? The Harbour Bridge and the Opera House. By boat.

Q: Where did Leo write the postcard? In a little coffee shop by the River Seine.

Q: What did Jane think of the White House? It’s a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees.

Situation: You have visited the places of interest. 1) where to go 2) when to go 3) how to go 4) why to go 5) what to see 6) how to feel Discuss Make a dialogue

Which country do you want to go to?

A: Where are you going for this winter holiday? Which city do you want to go to in this holiday? B: I am going to Beijing. A: How are you going there? B: I am going there by plane. Model A: What are you going to visit there? B: I am going to visit the Great Wall. A: Why do you want to go there? B: Because I want to visit our capital.

Fill in the following sentences. 1. 你需要锻炼来保持体形。 You ____ ___exercise to _____ ____. 2. 让我们玩得开心点吧! Let’s ______ _________! need to keep fit enjoy ourselves Exercise

3. 我乘船旅行经过港湾大桥。 We take __ ____ ____ under the Harbour Bridge. 4. 美国总统住在白宫里。 The ________ of the USA _____ in the White House. a President lives boat trip

5. 这是一间带有漂亮花园的大房子。 This is a big house _____ a beautiful _______. 6. 我坐在塞纳河边的咖啡店里。 I sit in a coffee shop _____ _____ ______ ______. with garden by the River Seine

Talk about the place of interest you want to visit best. WhenWho HowWhat Where

Homework Finish your answer sheet.